What is the BR IFIC?
Please have a look at the
presentation done during the World Radio communication Seminar 2016.
How often the BR IFIC on DVD-ROM is released?
The BR IFIC on DVD-ROM was released from BR IFIC 2710 of 10 January 2012 and is published every two weeks. Please consult the
schedule of publication of BR IFIC. Previously, the BR IFIC was released on CD-ROM.
What are the differences with the previous BR IFIC on CD-ROM?
On the new BR IFIC DVD-ROM (space services):
The complete Space Radiocommunication Stations (SRS) reference database and the complete graphical data (GIMS) related to satellite networks are available.
For Coordination Request Publications, the complete Transaction Summary (TSUM) is attached to the PDF version of the CR/C
The BR software GIBC (Graphical Interface for Batch Calculations) and Appendix 7 (software package which allows the capture and modification of data that is relevant to the AP7 Analysis) are provided with other BR software.
Do I still need to do the incremental updates of SRS database and GIMS database?
Users will no longer be requested to make an incremental update of their “local” SRS and GIMS database using the ificxxx.mdb and gupdate.mdb as the complete Space Radiocommunication Stations (SRS) reference database and the complete graphical data (GIMS) are provided in each BR IFIC DVD-ROM.
Please note that the ificxxx.mdb is still provided in the BR IFIC DVD-ROM.
How can I get the SRS on DVD-ROM?
The publication SRS on DVD-ROM has been discontinued and its content is now provided in the BR IFIC on DVD-ROM. Subscribers of the previous publication SRS on DVD-ROM should now subscribe to the BR IFIC on DVD-ROM. Users have the possibilty to subscribe to two (for instance March and September) or four BR IFIC DVD-ROM.
How to subscribe to the BR IFIC on DVD-ROM if I do not need to get a BR IFIC every two weeks but only on an irregular basis?