Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2012:
Smart regulation for a broadband world |
ITU released a major report on regulation in the
information and communication technology (ICT) sector !
The annual "Trends in Telecommunication Reform" publications
are key part of ITU�s effort to explore and amplify the wisdom of policy-makers
and regulators in the ICT sector.
The 12th edition examine smart regulatory measures that regulators and policy makers can take to achieve broadband for all, foster innovation, and address the complexities and challenges of the broadband ecosystem. The advent of broadband has significantly changed the way we communicate, access information, share experiences and knowledge, make business and interact with each other. Sound broadband strategies and plans are now needed to ensure that all citizens can benefit from the new applications, services and businesses opportunities brought by a broadband world.
The individual chapters will focus on salient policy and regulatory areas such as setting national broadband policies, strategies and plans, open access regulation and strategies for financing universal broadband access and broadband enabled innovation, social media, m-banking,
intellectual property rights and e-waste.
Contents of the report
Chapter 1: Overview of ICT
market and regulatory trends
Chapter 2:
Setting national broadband policies, strategies and plans
Chapter 3: Open access regulation in the
Digital Economy
Chapter 4: Strategies for financing
universal broadband access (free of charge)
Chapter 5: Broadband-enabled innovation
Chapter 6: Confronting the social media
regulatory challenge
Chapter 7:
Intellectual property rights in today's digital economy
Chapter 8: The regulatory landscape for
mobile banking
Chapter 9: E-waste and recycling: whose
responsibility is it?
Enabling Tomorrow’s Digital World |
ICT Regulation Toolkit |
ICT Regulation Toolkit is a web-based tool, organized as a series of
online modules to provide regulators, telecom service providers, policy makers, sector experts and the general public with
the latest developments on regulatory topics, best practices, and case studies. |