The Regulatory
Associations meeting, organized by the Telecommunication Development
Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in
collaboration with the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications
and Post (ARTP) of Senegal, was held at the Meridien President
Hotel in Dakar, Senegal, in the afternoon of 9 November 2010.
This meeting,
held during the ITU Global ICT Industry Leaders� Forum (GILF) and
the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) 2010, was chaired by Mr
Alagi B. Gaye, Director General, The Gambia Public Utilities
Regulatory Authority (PURA) and Vice-Chairman of the West African
Telecommunication Regulation Association (WATRA).
The topics
for discussion this year included:
Status and
challenges of regulatory harmonization,
Regional experiences
of international mobile roaming, and
Transition from
analogue to digital broadcasting.
A report of the meeting
was presented to the GSR reporting session on the morning of 10
November 2010.
In order to involve
regulatory associations in the topics of discussion, you are invited to participate in the G-Rex regional
associations forum: |