The following pages provides links to useful Web sites related to telecommunication regulatory and sector reform issues.
AHCIET Asociaci�n Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigaci�n y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones
AICEP Associa��o dos Operadores de Correios e Telecomunica��es dos Pa�ses e Territ�rios de L�ngua Oficial Portuguesa
ASETA Asociaci�n de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones del Acuerdo Subregional Andinos
ECTA European Competitive Telecommunications Association
ETNO European public Telecommunications Network Operators' Association
GSM World GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) MoU Association
SATA Southern Africa Telecommunications Association
Telecommunications Forum, International Institute of Communications
WiFi Alliance
WiMAX Forum
Balancing Act (Africa)
Business Communications Review
Frecuencia Online
Mobile Communications International
Telecom Asia
Telecommunications Policy
Telephony Online
Total Telecom
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
APEC TEL APEC Working Group on Telecommunications
APT Asia Pacific Tele-Community
ECOWAS Economic Community Of West African States
CEMAC Economic and Monetary Community of Central African States
CITEL Inter-American Telecommunication Commission
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COMTELCA Comisi�n T�cnica Regional de Telecomunicaciones de Centro Am�rica
CTO Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
ESIS an EC Information Society Project Office (ISPO) information service (Country reports)
ETO European Telecommunication Office
INFODEV Information for Development Program (managed by the World Bank)
Information Society and Media Directorate-General European Commission
ISPO EC Information Society Project Office
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
PTC Pacific Telecommunication Council
SADC Southern African Development Community
SIOTEL Syndicat International des Op�rateurs, Soci�t�s et Employ�s des T�l�communications
UEMOA Union Economique et Mon�taire Ouest Africaine
World Bank
WTO World Trade Organisation
Arab Regulators Network
ARICEA Association of Regulators for Information and Communication Services of Eastern and Southern Africa (Constitution)
ARCTEL-CPLP Association of Communications and Telecommunications Regulators of CPLP
ARTAC Association des r�gulateurs des t�l�communications d'Afrique Centrale
CRASA Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa
EARPTO East Africa Regulatory, Postal and Telecommunications Organization
ECTEL Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority
EMERG Euro-mediterranean network of Regulators
BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) European Union
FRATEL R�seau francophone de la r�gulation des t�l�communications
IRG Independent Regulators Group
OOCUR Organisation of Caribbean Utility Regulators
REGULATEL Foro Latinoamericano de Entes Reguladores de Telecomunicaciones
SATRC South Asian Telecommunications Regulators' Council
WATRA West African Telecommunications Regulators Assembly Learning Initiatives on Reforms in Networked Economies
NTGTS North Texas Global Telecommunications Society
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration