ITU-Anatel Regional Seminar on
Wireless Access (BWA) for rural and remote
areas for the Americas
(Federative Republic of Brazil)
23-25 May 2005 |
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3
Day 1 (23 May 2005)
Registration: 8:00 � 9:00 hours |
09:00 � 09:30 hours
Opening Session
Welcome address: Mr. Elifas Chaves Gurgel do Amaral, President,
Anatel Opening address: Mr. Jos� Leite Pereira Filho, Member of the Board,
Anatel, and Seminar Chairman Opening address: Mr. Juan Zavattiero, Head, ITU Americas Regional Office |
09:30 � 10:30 hours
Session 1: Introduction to Wireless Broadband
Chairperson: Mr. Renato Navarro Guerreiro, Consultant,
Guerreiro Teleconsult Presentation 1: Wireless Broadband in the Global
Scene - Mr. Fabio Leite, Deputy-Director, ITU-BR
- Presentation
Presentation 2: The activities of ITU-BDT for Wireless Communications
in Developing Countries - Mr. Riccardo Passerini, Senior
Telecommunication Engineer, ITU-BDT
Abstract -
Coffee break: 10:30 � 10:45 hours |
10:45 - 11:45 hours
Presentation 3: Report on ITU-D Broadband Activities - Ms. Samantha
Craig, Rapporteur of ITU-D Q20-1/2, Qualcomm Incorporated; presented by
Mr. Riccardo Passerini
Abstract -
Presentation 4: Overview of Wireless Broadband in the Americas - Mr.
Francisco Carlos Giacomini Soares, General Manager, Anatel, and Chairman
of the Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Radiocommunication
Services, Consultative Permanent Committee II: Radiocommunication,
including Broadcasting, Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (Citel)
Abstract -
& A: 11:45 � 12:30 hours |
Lunch: 12:30 - 14:30 hours |
14:30 - 16:30 hours
Session 2: Broadband Programs and System
Mr. Humberto Abdallah, Professor, Director of the Department of
Technology, UnB Presentation 5: Changes in
Consumer Behavior and Convergence between MMDS and Cable Services - Mr.
Virgilio Amaral, Strategy and Technology Director, TVA Sistema de Televis�o
Abstract -
Presentation 6: The Wireless R-Evolution - Mr. Jos� Luiz Navarro
Frauendorf, General Director, NEOTEC
Abstract -
Presentation 7: Voice over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks - Mr. Fabricio
Lira Figueiredo, Researcher, CPqD
- Presentation
Presentation 8: 3G CDMA Technologies Enabling Advanced Broadband
Wireless Access Services - Mr. Paulo Breviglieri, Director, Technical
Development. Qualcomm Incorporated
- Presentation
Coffee break: 16:30 � 16:45 hours |
Q & A: 16:45 - 17:30 hours |
Wrap-up Session Day One: 17:30 - 17:45 hours |
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3
Day 2 (24 May 2005)
9:00 � 10:00 hours
Session 3: Broadband Solutions over Satellite for
Rural and Remote Areas
Chairperson: Mr. Sueli Matos de Ara�jo, General Manager,
Anatel Presentation 9: Gesac - Using Broadband
Satellite Communications to Promote Digital Inclusion - Mr. Guilherme
Saraiva, Marketing Director, Comsat International
Abstract -
Presentation 10: Loral Skynet's solutions for Rural Communications -
Mr. Fl�vio Bartolomeu da Silva, Manager for Engineering and Regulation,
Loral Skynet do Brasil
Abstract -
Coffee break: 10:00 � 10:15 hours |
10:15 � 11:30 hours
Presentation 11: Broadband Services based on DVB/RCS Platform over
Latin America - Mr. Ricardo Cerrone, Multimedia Platform Manager, Hispamar
Abstract -
Presentation 12: Satellite Broadband Internet Access in Brazil - Mr.
Ricardo Jos� de Mello Fontes, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Star One
Abstract -
Presentation 13: Global Broadband Satellite activities in ITU - Mr.
Riccardo Passerini, Senior Telecommunication Engineer, ITU-BDT
- Presentation |
Q & A: 11:30 - 12:00 hours |
Lunch: 12:00 - 14:00 hours |
14:00 � 16:15 hours
Session 4: Wireless Broadband Standards and
Ms. Margaret LaBrecque, Director of WiMAX Spectrum Policy, Intel
Corporation, and Chair of WiMAX Forum Regulatory Working Group
Presentation 14: The Brazilian Experience of GVT in BWA for Rural and
Remote Areas - Mr. Renato Paschoareli, Network Planning and Engineering
Director of GVT
Abstract -
Presentation 15: WiMAX - Mr. Tim Hewitt, Head of Spectrum Policy, BT and
Board Member, WiMAX Forum
Abstract -
Presentation 16: The IEEE 802.16 WirelessMAN Standard for Broadband
Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks - Mr. Roger Marks, Chair of IEEE
- Presentation
Presentation 17: ETSIHiperMAN - Ms. Mariana Goldhamer, ETSI BRAN
Vice-Chair/HiperMAN Chair, Director Strategic Technologies, Alvarion
Abstract -
Presentation 18: Global BWA activities in ITU - Mr. Fabio Leite,
Deputy-Director, ITU-BR
- Presentation
Coffee break: 16:15 - 16:30 hours |
Q & A: 16:30 - 17:00 hours |
Wrap-up Session Day Two: 17:00 - 17:15 hours |
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3
Day 3 (25 May 2005)
9:00 � 10:00 hours
Session 5: Regulatory Aspects of Wireless Broadband
Chairperson: Mr. Vilmar Rosa de Freitas, Advisor to the
Board, Anatel
Presentation 19: Regulatory Framework for BWA in Brazil - Mr.
Maximiliano Salvadori Martinh�o, Spectrum Engineering Manager, Anatel
- Presentation
Presentation 20: Connected and On the go: Broadband Goes Wireless -
Mrs. Lauren Van Wazer, Co-Director of Wireless Broadband Access
Task Force, FCC
Abstract -
Presentation |
Coffee break: 10:00 - 10:15 hours |
10:15 � 11:15 hours
Presentation 21: Legal landmark for Guatemalan Telecommunication
Services - Mr. Willy Caba�as, Head of the Frequency Analysis Section,
Telecommunication Superintendency of Guatemala
Abstract -
Q & A: 11:15 - 12:00 hours |
12:00 � 12:15 hours
Closing Session
Closing address: Mr. Riccardo Passerini, Senior Telecommunication
Engineer, ITU-BDT
Closing address: Mr. Fabio Leite, Deputy-Director, ITU-BR
Closing address: Mr. Jos� Leite Pereira Filho, Member of the Board,
Anatel, and Seminar Chairman |