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Registration and Fellowship request to 14th TDAG  & its Working Groups - Geneva,  28 - 30 January 2009


Pre-registration and fellowship requests will be carried out exclusively online.  The same form is used for both the TDAG and the Working Groups.

Pre-registrations for either the TDAG or the Working Groups should be confirmed no later than Friday, 12 December 2008.

Participants who wish to apply for fellowships must have registered online and completed the fellowship section of the form before Friday, 12 December 2008. Requests received after the deadline will be considered on an "as possible" basis.
Pre-registration without fellowship requests can be done until 20 January 2009


Requests for fellowships may be obtained if you fulfill all the conditions and within the budget available on the basis of one fellowship per country to participants from countries with a GDP per capita less than 2'000 USD, with priority to Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
Due to budgetary constraints, the countries beneficiaries of a fellowship may have to contribute partly to the costs of the fellowship. You are invited to submit your requests for fellowships not later than 24 December 2008 by completing the appropriate section of the online registration and fellowship form. On that date, all the requests received will be examined and fellowships will be granted to eligible applicants. Requests received after the deadline will be considered on an "as possible" basis, within the remaining budget if any.
In the case of partial fellowships, all applicants will receive a confirmation of the share expected from their Administrations. At that point, the fellowship request can be confirmed or withdrawn by the approving officer who signed the form.
While the registration is done by pressing the "submit button", fellowship applications should not be sent with the "submit" button.  Please follow fellowship request procedure.

Should you need assistance, please call the Fellowships Service at Tel: +41 22 730 5487.


It is imperative that fellows be present from the first day to end of the meeting and participate during the entire fellowship period.


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Updated : 2008-12-10