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Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society/ITU/ASETA International Seminar

"Closing the Digital Divide through the Development of e-Strategies"


Quito, Ecuador

26-27 November 2009

The Seminar, hosted by the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador (MINTEL), is a joint effort of ITU and the Asociaci�n de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones de la Comunidad Andina (ASETA), and aims to provide a forum to discuss strategies to help close the digital divide in the Andean region.


The Seminar will bring together representatives of Administrations, Regulators and Operators of ITU Member-States, ITU Sector Members and Associates, Regional Organizations, as well as representatives of the industry and civil society to exchange information on the status of national legislation, policies and ICT programs addressing the digital divide and learn best practices for improving connectivity in the region through the adoption of e-strategies and ICT applications.

The seminar will be conducted in Spanish.

Should you have any questions regarding the organization of the seminar or need any further information, please contact:

For ITU:

Mrs. Marietta Uribe   

Tel: +56-2-632-6134
Fax: +56-2-632-6154
E-mail: marietta.uribe (at)


For Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador (MINTEL):

Ms. Bertha Andrade

International Affairs

Tel: +593-2-2200-240

Fax: +593-2-2200106
bandrade (at)


Seminar Details

The seminar will be conducted in Spanish.

The Seminar, hosted by the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador (MINTEL), is a joint effort of ITU and the Asociaci�n de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones de la Comunidad Andina (ASETA), and aims to provide a forum to discuss strategies to help close the digital divide in the Andean region.


  • To analyze the status of legislation, policies and ICT programs addressing the Digital Divide in Andean countries, giving emphasis to ICT applications in the areas of e-Health, e-Government, e-Learning, e-Commerce and e-Employment.

  • To exchange national experiences on:

    • The implementation of e-strategies for connectivity and the development of content, services and electronic applications;

    • The use of methodological tools to identify and assess factors that hinder digital connectivity;

    • Capacity building on ICTs and other issues that should be considered to achieve universal access.


Stakeholders from the telecommunication sector, including authorities, network operators, service providers, ICT applications and content developers; representatives from the public and private sectors, as well as from civil society from the Andean region countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela).


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL), National Telecommunications Authority of Ecuador, and the Asociaci�n de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones de la Comunidad Andina (ASETA).

PLACE Hotel Hilton Col�n, Quito, Ecuador.


Should you have any questions regarding the organization of the seminar or need any further information, please contact:

For ITU:

Mrs. Marietta Uribe   

Tel: +56-2-632-6134
Fax: +56-2-632-6154
E-mail: marietta.uribe (at)


For Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador (MINTEL):

Ms. Bertha Andrade

International Affairs

Tel: +593-2-2200-240

Fax: +593-2-2200106
bandrade (at)


Background Material

Meeting Details  

Date: 26-27 November 2009
Location: Quito, Ecuador
The Seminar, hosted by the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador (MINTEL), is a joint effort of ITU and the Asociaci�n de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones de la Comunidad Andina (ASETA), and aims to provide a forum to discuss strategies to help close the digital divide in the Andean region.


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