ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world



Terms of Reference

The main objectives of ITU-T Study Group 3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR) are as follows: 

A. To encourage the active participation of African administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T Study Group 3 and in the implementation of ITU-T D-series Recommendations;

B. To facilitate the participation of member states and sector members of the African region in ITU-T Study Group 3 and related meetings, at least when these meetings are held in Africa;

C. To foster the discussion across the region of the financial and economic aspects associated with the exponential growth in ICT - the shift to IP-based, NGN/Future Networks, and wireless communications;

D. To act as a forum (in face to face meetings and through online communications) for information-sharing among local and regional experts;

E. To encourage substantive contributions from the African region to traditional and emerging areas of interest for ITU-T Study Group 3;

F. To identify the relevant priorities of the region as they relate to the mandate of ITU-T Study Group 3;

G. To work towards the development of new or revised Recommendations on topics including (but not limited to): international Internet connectivity, economic impact of the transition from Ipv4 to Ipv6, mobile roaming, cross-border mobile connectivity, fixed and leased line tariff issues, pricing and settlement issues for international telecom services, use of commercial agreements for the provision of international telecom services, alternative calling procedures (e.g. hubbing), dispute resolution related to charging and invoicing, misappropriation and misuse of facilities and services;

H. To strengthen standard-making capabilities within the African region in accordance with Resolution 44 on “Bridging the Standardization Gap” (Rev. Dubai, 2012);

I. To act as liaison between Member States and Sector Members of the African region and ITU-T Study Group 3.​​​​
