“Oviedo Emprende” Entrepreneurs plan of the City of Oviedo, Ayuntamiento de Oviedo y CTIC Centro Tecnológico
Oviedo (Asturias), Spain,
2015, April 23
This event was attended by women from different areas related to information and communications technologies (ICT). The main goal of the conference was
to discuss and analyze the current situation of this issue, in order to make proposals to empower and encourage girls and young women to undertake
studies in the area of ICT.
The profiles of those attending the conference were diverse, including programmers, researchers, technical support, businesswomen, responsible for
associations, organizations that promote entrepreneurship, business groups, industry etc.
The entities and organizations represented at the event were:
- Ayuntamiento de Oviedo
- CTIC Centro Tecnológico
- AJE – Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios
- Escuela de Emprendedoras y Empresarias de Asturias
- FEDA - Federación de Empresarias y Directivas de Asturias
- Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Informáticos de Asturias
There were also attendees belonging to the following private sector companies:
- Dogram
- Abamobile
- Archistec
- Triditive
- CTIC Centro Tecnológico
Oviedo Emprende