ITU's 160 anniversary

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Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2014

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU and African Youth Foundation​

Virtual event, 2014, May 07​

In the context of International Girls in ICT Day as well as in the framework of ARDYIS project, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in collaboration with the African Youth Foundation (AYF) organized an e-debate on "Enhancing Young Women's engagement in ICT and Agriculture".

The e-debate aimed to:

  • Discuss the objectives and the use of ICT by young girls and women in the agricultural sector and share experiences from various ACP countries;
  • Discuss the opportunities, challenges faced and perspectives regarding the use of ICT by young women in agriculture or ICT entrepreneurs offering services for the agricultural sector;
  • Contribute to the celebration of the International Girls in ICT Day.

The primary target group for this e-debate were youth (15 to 35 years) interested or involved in ICT or Agriculture, especially young girls and women. This includes women agropreneurs and women developing ICT solutions for agriculture. Organisations supporting young women in these activities were also targeted.

The e-debate took place from 16 April – 07 May 2014 on the discussion group of the ARDYIS (Agriculture, Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society) project:

Each week, the e-debate focused on a specific theme and questions.

Week 1: Understanding the use of ICTs in agricultural activities by young girls and women

  • Question 1: How are young girls and women using ICTs in Agriculture? What are the tools used? For what purposes? What is the profile of the young women using ICTs in agriculture? (16 – 17 April 2014)
  • Question 2: What are the challenges being faced by young girls and women in using ICT in agriculture, especially those living in rural areas? What information gaps do we have in this area and how can we bridge these gaps? What examples of national or regional projects supporting the use of ICT by young girls and women involved agriculture do we have? (18 – 22 April 2014)

Week 2: The use of ICTs for entrepreneurship by young women in Agriculture

  • Question 3: Are young agricultural women entrepreneurs using ICTs in Agriculture to enhance their business? For which specific activities? Is it limited to using mobile phones or there are other channels used? (23 – 27 April 2014)
  • Question 4: What challenges do women entrepreneurs face when using ICTs in Agriculture? How can these challenges be addressed so that more women entrepreneurs make use of ICTs?  How can they better use these tools in agri-business? Do we know projects or programmes supporting these kinds of activities? (28 – 29 April 2014)

Week 3 : Supporting women developing ICT applications for Agriculture

  • Question 5: Young women from different ACP countries and regions are developing ICT applications for Agriculture. What examples do we have? What are the challenges faced? Are there more opportunities in this area? How do we increase our support to young women providing solutions for agriculture and address the challenges faced? Do we know projects or programmes supporting these kinds of activities? (30 April – 02 May 2014)

Week 3:  Conclusions and recommendations

  • Participants were invited to share information on activities they might have implemented in the framework of the International Girls and ICT day. Key points discussed throughout the debate were then reviewed. Participants shared their final ideas and recommendations to wrap-up the discussions. (05 - 07 May 2014)​​​​​