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Network virtualization (a.k.a. network slicing) allows multiple logical networks to coexist on a single physical network while isolated from each other, i.e., without performance or security interferences. It was first propounded as a diversifying attribute of the future inter-networking paradigm that can enable seamless integration of new features resulting in a more rapid evolution of the Internet architecture. Later, it was rolled out in data center networks to provide bandwidth guarantees to cloud applications. More recently, it has been incorporated as a pillar of 5G and beyond mobile communication networks to provide differentiated services with stringent bandwidth, latency and reliability requirements. However, despite a significant progress in virtualization research and technologies over the last two decades, the end-to-end deployment of virtual networks in practice remains unrealized. This talk will provide an overview of the genesis and evolution of network virtualization, present key underlying challenges and solution ideas, and an outlook to end-to-end 5G and beyond network slicing.
Participants will have the chance to hear from Prof. Raouf Boutaba about his impactful life lessons over the years as well as his advice to young researchers in the field of information and communication technologies.
Raouf Boutaba is a University Chair Professor and the Director of the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Before that he served as the Associate Dean Research (2016-2019) and the Associate Dean Innovation and Partnership (2019-2020) in the Faculty of Mathematics. He also held an INRIA International Chair in France (2017-2022). His research interests are in the areas of network and service management. He has published extensively in these areas and received several journal and conference best paper awards. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2007-2010), and recently served as the Editor-in- Chief of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2018-2021). He received several awards and recognitions, including the Silver Core from IFIP, the Hal Sobol, the Salah Aidarous, the Joe LociCero, the Dan Stokesbury, and the Donald W. McLellan awards from the IEEE Communications Society, and the McNaugthon Gold Medal from IEEE Canada. He is fellow of the IEEE, the Engineering Institute of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of Canada.
MODERATOR: Ian F. Akyildiz, ITU J-FET Editor-in-Chief and Truva Inc., USA