ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

6G and the metaverse will power a holographic society

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Machine Learning at the wireless edge


The consolidation of 5G and emergence of 6G will enable entirely novel forms of human engagements. In this webinar, the speaker discussed the emergence of holographic capabilities and the networking features needed to make such a technology reality. He also discussed the relation to various branches of the metaverse, and the general impact such technology will have on the future of work and social life. ​ ​​​


Participants had the chance to hear from Dr Dohler​​ about his impactful life lessons over the years as well as his advice to young researchers in the field of information and communication technologies. ​


: Mischa DohlerEricsson Inc., USA

Mischa Dohler is now Chief Architect in Ericsson Inc. in Silicon Valley, USA.

He was Professor in Wireless Communications at King’s College London, driving cross-disciplinary research and innovation in technology, sciences and arts. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); and a Distinguished Member of Harvard Square Leaders Excellence. He is a serial entrepreneur with 5 companies; composer & pianist with 5 albums on Spotify/iTunes; and fluent in several languages. He sits on the Spectrum Advisory Board of Ofcom, and acts as policy advisor on issues related to digital, skills and education. He has had ample coverage by national and international press and media. He is featured on Amazon Prime.

He is a frequent keynote, panel and tutorial speaker, and has received numerous awards. He has pioneered several research fields, contributed to numerous wireless broadband, IoT/M2M and cyber security standards, holds a dozen patents, organized and chaired numerous conferences, was the Editor-in-Chief of two journals, has more than 300 highly-cited publications, and authored several books. He is a Top-1% Cited Scientist across all science fields globally.

He was Professor at King’s from 2013-2021, and the Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research from 2014-2018. He is the Cofounder of the Smart Cities pioneering company Worldsensing, where he was the CTO from 2008-2014. He also worked as a Senior Researcher at Orange/France Telecom from 2005-2008.

Ian F. AkyildizITU J-FET Editor-in-Chief and Truva Inc., USA​

Alessia Magliarditi​, ITU Journal Manager, ITU 



Register and join

The webinar was open to anyone interested in the topic.
Participation was free of charge. ​​

Register and join the webinar here​.

Date and time

11 May 2022, from 10:00 to 11:30 EDT / from 16:00 to 17:30 CEST
This webinar consisted of a 4​​5 minute talk, followed by a 15 minute Q&A session and a 30 minute Wisdom Corner: Live Life Lessons. ​​​


Organized by

: The views and opinions expressed in this webinar series are those of the panelists and do not reflect the official policy or position of the ITU.​​