ITU's 160 anniversary

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CWG-Internet: Online Open Consultation (November 2024)

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The ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) is holding an open consultation on the following topic and questions

The role of public policy in promoting multilingualization of the Internet 

1.      What could ITU and its members and other stakeholders do to ensure that the Internet becomes more multilingual in nature and thus accessible for more of the global population?

2.     What are the benefits and challenges of multilingualization of the Internet, including through universal acceptance of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), or the lack thereof, in terms of technical, economic, security, cultural and capacity-building?​

The CWG-Internet invites all stakeholders to submit contributions on this topic.​​​

Useful Information and Instructions:​

Information on the Online Open Consultation

Online Open Consultations are launched by the CWG-Internet and are held throughout the period between two successive CWG-Internet meetings. This process gives an opportunity to all stakeholders from all nations to express their views with regard to the topic(s) under discussion.  ​

How to submit:  Contributions to this round of Open Consultations were submitted through the online form available here, where you will also find more detailed guidelines on the submission process. The deadline for responses was 13 January 2025. ​This Online Open Consultation was followed by a Physical Open Consultation on 11 February 2025. [Note: This meeting is conducted in English only. For more information, please see below.]

Information on the Physical Open Consultation​

Date & location: 11 February 2025, 1430-1730 hours, Room C, Geneva, Switzerland 
Topic: The role of public policy in promoting multilingualization of the Internet
Draft agenda
Documents​ / Documents with limited distribution (DL)​
Webcast archives​​

​Discussions during the Physical Open Consultation meeting will be based on the responses received during the Online Open Consultation process, which will be consolidated in a single document ("Compilation Document").

At the Physical Open Consultation meeting, respondents to the Online Open Consultation will have the opportunity to present their submitted views and to have a fruitful discussion with the other participants, including Members of the CWG-Internet.​​

Responses >>​​​