ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Accessibility Fund

Resolution 175 instructed ITU to establish a fund to expand ITUimage of a hand on top of the world 's activities in the area of accessible ICTs and to make ITU a more accessible organization. The ITU Accessibility Trust Fund, established in 2012,  is a special trust fund managed by ITU to channel the voluntary contributions of Member States, Sector Members and academia in the promotion of ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities.​​​

Types of Projects to be Funded

The ITU Accessibility Trust Fund will support the following activities, as defined by Resolution 175 (Guadalajara, 2010):

    • to make information accessible through the use of ICTs to participants with visual, audio or physical disabilities at ITU facilities or in ITU services and programmes;
    • to encourage and promote representation by persons with disabilities in ITU's activities so as to ensure that their technical knowledge and experience are taken into account when developing and progressing ITU's work;
    • to identify, document and disseminate examples of best practices for accessibility in the field of telecommunications/ICTs among ITU Member States and Sector Members;
    • to promote the introduction of services and standards that allow persons with disabilities to make effective use of telecommunication/ICT services in developing countries through the implementation of specific projects on the subject;
    • to raise awareness about the issue of accessibility through ICTs and mainstream telecommunication/ICT accessibility standards;
    • and other activities that shall be contemplated within the mandate established by ITU governing bodies.

Projects funded in 2015

Project 1 - Basic Training in Accessibility Awareness (GS/HRMD): Resources from the fund: 5,400 CHF / Status: Project completed.

Type of activity: to make information accessible through the use of ICTs to participants with visual, hearing or physical disabilities at ITU facilities or in ITU services and programmes, providing accessible information through ICTs to ITU facilities, services and programmes.

Project 2 - Accessible Mobile App Competition For The Americas Region (BDT): Resources from the fund: 5,000 CHF / Status: Project completed.

Type of activity: to promote the introduction of services that allow persons with disabilities to make effective use telecommunication/ICT services and standards in developing countries through the implementation of specific projects on the subject;

click here to see the result

Project 3 -  ICT accessibility policy advice initiative in Egypt (BDT): Resources from the fund: 14,000 CHF / Status: Project completed.

Type of activity: to identify, document and disseminate examples of best practices for accessibility in the field of ICTs among ITU Membership.

Project 4 - ITU IPC IPTV Application Challenge (TSB): Resources from the fund: 5,000 CHF / Status: Project completed.

Type of activity: to promote the introduction of services that allow persons with disabilities to make effective use telecommunication/ICT services and standards in developing countries through the implementation of specific projects on the subject.

click here for more information


A big thanks to our sponsor from 2015

ITU would like to express profound gratitude to the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority for the recent contribution of 15,000 CHF to the ITU Accessibility Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

The contribution from the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority to the Accessibility Fund will support ITU to continue working on enabling an accessible future for all.

ITU would also like to commend RURA on the outstanding achievement of Rwanda's disability work that ensures the equal and full participation of persons with disabilities in society, as well as your continuous effort and active promotion to add disability into the global development agenda. We look forward to continue working with you on this important issue.

ITU expresses appreciation to the Republic of Rwanda's Utilities Regulatory Authority for the solid and generous contribution to ITU's mission.
