Maurizio Talamo, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy - ITU-T Academia
- Full Professor of Computer Science Information Security at the University of Rome”Tor Vergata”
- Since 2003 President of Nestor – University of Rome Tor Vergata
- Delegated by the University’s Rector of “Tor Vergata” for innovation in applied research with particular reference to the interdisciplinary areas.
- Coordinator of the Masters Programme in Information Security of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- Coordinator of the PhD in Information Technology in the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- President of the University INUIT-Tor Vergata Foundation
- Director of the Master in “Security and Innovation Management”
- Member of Government Commissions for: Interior Ministry, Transport Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, Ministry of Financ
Scientific Activity
He carries out research activity in various fields of theoretical and applied Computer Science.
It is now mainly focused on the following areas: Security, Cooperation, Privacy, Social Networks, Validation, e-Id Ecosystem.
Author of more than 100 papers in the fields of interest, published in most reputed international scientific journals and conference proceedings. He acts also as referee for journals and conferences.
He is also author of national and international patents.
He is in charge of devising, planning, coordinating and implementing national and international projects. The most relevant are:
- CNSD – National Demographic Services Center: this centre of Italy’s Ministero dell’Interno connects the 8,102 Italian municipalities and various government agencies. CNSD is the central access point to the Italian resident registration records and CNSD facilitates government services requiring access to and verification of these records. He developed the technical and organizational infrastructure of CNSD and oversees its secure operation.
- CIE- Electronic Identity Card: designed and implemented the infrastructure of the electronic ID card use with security and access system
- Europetition (e-Participation through Petitioning in Europe) an European project which objective is to develop a trans European service to increase the citizens participation. 5 member states implemented pilots.
- SSEDIC: Building a Thematic Network for European eID; SSEDIC is a thematic network coordinated by NESTOR Tor Vergata University of Rome with 35 European Partners (
- SIAN – National Agriculture Information System: monitoring and security of the national agriculture information system infrastructure.
- NIST - National Institute of Standards Tecnology: a research collaboration with the project "Methods for the Definition and Representation of Ontologies Related to the Different Aspects of Identity Concepts" regarding the e-ID Management involving the American NSTIC program and the European SSEDIC project.
- Giuli.A – Giulio Andreotti Archive: The objective of the project is the definition and realization of an innovative platform that, after the acquisition of multimedia documents is able to manage and retrieve the information needed in an automatic, secure, fast and efficient way.