ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Stakeholder Engagement workshop on Digital Financial Services (DFS) for The Gambia

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The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with the Gambia Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), is pleased to invite you to the Stakeholder Engagement workshop on Digital Financial Services (DFS) for The Gambia planned to take place on 4 - 5 February 2025, from 10:00 - 12:30 GMT, which will be held online via Zoom. ​​​

The event aligns with the ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 204 and WTSA Resolution 89, which advocate for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to promote financial inclusion. It aims to provide key insights and practical guidance to DFS stakeholders in Gambia about the best practices that need to be adopted by regulators and DFS providers to secure the DFS applications and infrastructure.

The main objectives of the DFS Security Clinic are to:​ ​Target audience
The main audience for the DFS Security Clinic includes representatives from telecommunications regulators, national cybersecurity agencies, central banks, financial service providers, banks, mobile network operators, fintech companies, IT security solution providers, relevant government ministries, and other stakeholders.

Note:  The time indicated below is in GMT​


Day 1: 4 February 2025

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome and Opening Remarks​
10:15 - 11:20​ ​Introduction to ITU DFS Security Lab and Knowledge Sharing Platform 
This session will provide a general overview of the ITU DFS Security  Lab and the assistance that it provides to developing countries to adopt the DFS Security recommendations. This session will also introduce the ITU knowledge sharing platform. The ITU DFS Security Knowledge Sharing Platform is designed to foster collaboration among regulators and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of security guidelines and best practices for Digital Financial Services (DFS).
​11:20 - 11:30
Coffee Break
​11:30 - 12:30 
​ITU DFS Security Recommendations Part 1 
This session will present the security measures from the ITU DFS security recommendations to be adopted by DFS regulators and providers to secure the telecom infrastructure and payment system infrastructure. In particular, the following recommendations will be presented:

Day 2: 5 February 2025

10:00 - 11:00​
​ITU DFS Security Recommendations Part 2: Securing Mobile Payment Apps
As DFS cyber threats continue to evolve, protecting applications from vulnerabilities becomes paramount. This session explored continuous security testing and integrating security within the development lifecycle. Regulators, developers, security analysts, or IT manager, left with a comprehensive understanding of how to implement robust security measures that align with industry standards, ensuring the safety and integrity of DFS applications.
​11:00 - 11:10
Coffee Break
​11:10- 12:00
Cyber Resilience Self-Assessment for DFS Critical Infrastructure 
This session introduced the ITU cyber resilience toolkit for regulators to safeguard critical digital finance infrastructure. This session also included an exercise designed as an interactive tabletop session, where participants were organized into groups, each focusing on a distinct aspect of cyber security: Risk management, governance, testing, training & awareness, protection, and incident response. 
​12:00 - 12:30
Adoption of DFS Security Recommendations
This session will be an interactive discussion with DFS stakeholders on the collaboration and coordination at national level for the adoption of the ITU DFS Security Recommendations.​​