ITU-T Study Group 13 is responsible for studies relating to the requirements, architectures,
capabilities and application programming interfaces (APIs), softwarization, orchestration, and the
use of AI, including machine learning of future networks (FN). It develops standards related to
information-centric networking (ICN). Regarding the IMT systems, including IMT-2030, it
particularly focuses on non-radio related parts. Study Group 13's responsibility also includes project
coordination on FNs across all ITU-T study groups, and release planning. Moreover, it includes the
study on the integration of computing and networking from the viewpoint of FN.
ITU-T Study Group 13 is also responsible for studies relating to future computing, including cloud
computing and data handling in telecommunication networks. This covers capabilities and
technologies from the network side to support data utilization, exchange, sharing, and data quality
assessment, as well as end-to-end awareness, control and management of future computing,
including cloud, cloud security and data handling.
ITU-T Study Group 13 studies aspects relating to fixed, mobile and satellite convergence for multiaccess networks, including various ways to manage them, and enhancements to existing ITU-T
Recommendations on mobile communications, including the energy-saving aspects.
ITU-T Study Group 13 develops standards for quantum networks and their related technologies
including networking aspects of quantum key distribution networks (QKDN).
ITU-T Study Group 13 further studies concepts and mechanisms to enable trusted ICT, including
framework, requirements, capabilities, architectures and implementation scenarios of trusted
network infrastructures and trusted cloud solutions in coordination with all study groups concerned.
In this context, digital asset treatment over FNs is also a study target.