Recommendation | Y.dtmv-reqts | Requirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse | Q1/20
| |
Recommendation | Y.dtmv-ref | Reference model of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse | Q1/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.dtmv-if | Interface model and its requirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse | Q1/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.ACC-IoTMV | Accessibility requirements for metaverse services supporting IoT | Q2/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.dt-PAF | Requirements and capabilities of a digital twin for pedestrian accessibility facilities for persons with disabilities
| Q2/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.LASS-fra | Requirements and capability framework of IoT-based low-altitude sensing system | Q2/20 | |
Recommendation | Y. SCGMS | Requirements and capabilities of IoT-based smart crop growth monitoring system | Q2/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.SCCNS-Reqts | Requirements of smart city communication network system | Q2/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup-SCC-AI | Supplement to ITU-T Y.4223 - Use cases of smart cities and communities supported by AI | Q2/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-APS-Reqts | Requirements and capability framework of Internet of Things for support of application-aware service | Q2/20 | (A.1
TD1540-R1) |
Recommendation | ITU-T Y.4420-rev | Framework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift | Q2/20 | (A.1
TD1560-R2) |
Recommendation | Y.DEMC-fra | Requirements and framework of IoT-based distributed energy resources management and control services | Q2/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup-datainterop-usecases | Supplement to ITU-T Y.4563 – Use cases of data interoperability in Internet of things | Q2/20 | (A.13
TD1558-R2) |
Recommendation | Y.SC-DESMS | Functional architecture of IoT-based distributed energy storage management system in smart cities | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.4417-Rev | Framework of self-organization networking in Internet of things environments | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.DT-CS
| Requirements and functional architecture for blockchain-based sustainable and cooperative digital-twin creation system | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.DTS-arch | Architecture of the digital twin system in power grid | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y. EPWS-fc | Functional capabilities to support IoT-based electric power work site operation services | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.Fram-ssdp | Requirements and framework of metaverse simulation service for disaster prevention in electric power facilities | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-CMP-VR | Functional framework and capabilities of coordination management platform for IoT based vehicle-road | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-ESSB | Functional architecture of IoT-based energy-saving service for smart buildings | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-SAS | Functional architecture of IoT-enabled smart accessibility service in smart communities | Q3/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.SA-DSC-SSC | System architecture of digital supply chain for smart sustainable cities | Q3/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup_SUPS | Functional architecture of IoT based smart underground parking services | Q3/20 | |
Technical Report | Y.IoT-MVarch | Functional architecture of the IoT-based machine vision system | Q3/20 | |
Technical Report | YSTR.DataModelling-Agri | Data processing, management and analytics with AI for digital agriculture | Q4/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup.AI4A-roadmap | Standardization gaps and roadmap for AI and IoT in digital agriculture | Q4/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup.DigitalAgri_usecases | Optimizing Digital Agriculture with Best Practices for Integrating AI and IoT | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.AIoT-fr | Framework of Artificial Intelligence of Things | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.AIoT-FRA | Functional requirements and architecture for Artificial Intelligence of Things | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.AIoT-dfs-arc | Reference architecture of data fusion service in artificial intelligence of things | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.AIoT-dpsm | Requirements and framework of data processing for smart manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence of Things | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-IIEC | Framework of the integrated intelligent IoT service based on multi edge computing | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-IWAT | Framework of interworking with agent-based transportation for intelligent IoT services
| Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.DSE-LISF | Reference architecture of data sharing and exchange based on lightweight intelligent software framework for Internet of things devices | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.KCI-IM | Requirements of knowledge construction and implementation for IoT management | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.EDSS | Framework and requirements of electricity data sharing system | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.Interop-DPM | Integrated Interoperability framework for Data Processing and Management | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.MIMbased-arch | MIM-based Architectural framework for interoperability in support of data sharing ecosystems | Q4/20 | |
Technical Report | YSTR.GenAI-Sem-Interop | Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Semantic Interoperability for Data Use | Q4/20 | (A.13
TD1526-R1) |
Recommendation | Y.SPDM-reqts | Requirements and a reference model of data for Smart Pest and Disease Management (SPDM) service | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.metadata-EPI | Metadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system | Q4/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.CIP | Requirements of metaverse-based emergency response in chemical industrial parks | Q5/20 | |
Technical Report | YSTR.DIC | Reference framework for distributed intelligent computing based on IoT | Q5/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Supp-Imp-CSIADE | Supplement to ITU-T Y.4811 - Implementation of converged service for identification and authentication for IoT devices in decentralized environment | Q6/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.bsis-sec | Security requirements and capabilities of base station inspection services using unmanned aerial vehicles | Q6/20 | |
Supplement | Y.sup.access-sec | Supplement to ITU-T Y.4221 – Use cases and security requirements for sensing devices to access IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system | Q6/20 | |
Supplement | Y.Sup.SRS-SR | Supplement to ITU-T Y.4120 - Security threats and requirements of IoT applications for smart retail stores | Q6/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.IoT-IADS
| Intelligent anomaly detection system for Internet of things
| Q6/20 | |
| Y.Evaluation-dfp | Quality evaluation framework of data as a factor of production for smart sustainable cities | Q7/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.DT-SSC-CVP | Classification of visualization precision levels for digital twin systems in smart sustainable cities | Q7/20 | |
Recommendation | Y.SNPG-ref | Reliability evaluation frameworks of sensing network in power grid
| Q7/20 | |