ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive Summary - September 2022

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​19-30 September 2022
ITU-T St​udy Group 15
Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures for Transport, Access and Home

​Study Group 15 held its first meeting of the 2022-2024 study period in-person in Geneva from 19-30 September 2022, attended by 359 delegates representing 33 countries.  After nearly three years of virtual meetings, the in-person meeting was welcomed as an efficient and necessary means to build consensus on new work items.
As this was the first meeting of the study period, SG15 appointed Working Party leadership and rapporteurs.  SG15 also agreed an update to our long-standing guidelines for carrying out the work of the study group.
The meeting received 309 contributions and 395 TDs, an increase in contributions from the virtual meeting held in December 2021. The meeting observed the 12-day contribution deadline of Recommendation ITU-T A.1, and all of the contributions to this meeting were submitted using Direct Document Posting (DDP).
SG15 determined one Amendment, consented 47 texts (4 new and 4 revised Recommendations, 23 Amendments, and 9 Corrigenda), agreed two technical papers, one technical report, two revised and one new Supplements, and deleted one Supplement.
Future SG15 plenary meeting have been confirmed with in-person facilities for 2023, despite the challenges associated with the new building project.  Interim activities prior to the next SG15 plenary have been planned as virtual or in-person, consisting of 30 single-day or multiple-day meetings.  
In fulfilling its lead study group responsibilities, SG15 revised the Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and work plan, the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan, and the Optical Transport Networks and Technologies (OTNT) standardization work plan.
SG15 also provided an update to the JCA IMT-2020 concerning the IMT-2020 roadmap, and an update to ITU-T SG2 regarding the Telecommunication Management and OAM project plan.

SG15 generated 30 Liaison Statements.

WP1/15 – Transport aspects of access, home and smart grid networks

WP1​ Chairman: Tom Starr, Vice Chairman: Ian Horsley

Q1/15 met for one day, updating the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan documents. The Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan document was revised. The list of certification and interoperability activities for WP1/15 Recommendations was updated.
Q2/15 met for five days, working on Passive Optical Networks (PON), preparing six texts for consent and one Supplement for agreement.  Q2/15 requested the appointment of Mark Laubach as liaison rapporteur for the FSAN group. It was approved.
Q2/15 held a dinner celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Q3/15 met for three days, working, fiber in the premises, and home networking support of IoT.  Four draft Recommendations were prepared for consent, one for Determination, one draft Supplement for agreement, and one Technical Paper for agreement.
Q4/15 was scheduled for three days, working on access via metallic conductors.  Four texts were prepared for consent.  Eric Wangxiang resigned as the G.mgfast editor, with thanks expressed from Q4/15.  Q4/15 celebrated its 25th anniversary in April.​

​WP2/15 – Optical technologies and physical infrastructures

​WP2 Chairman: Noriyuki Araki; WP2 Vice-Chairman: Paul Doolan

Q5/15 worked on characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables, and installation guidance, and agreed upon new Recommendation L.109.1 (ex L.oehc), which deals with optical/electrical hybrid cables for access points, in cooperation with IEC SC48B and SC86B. Q5/15 also agreed upon new Technical Report on optical fibre, cable and components for space division multiplexing transmission.
Q6/15 made progress on the inclusion of 25G application codes in G.698.1 and G.698.4, submitting two new drafts of the two Recommendations.
A new work item was agreed on new 100G per lane OTN application code in G.959.1.
Provisional optical parameters tables were defined for G.owdm and G.owdm2, to be completed and reviewed by correspondence.
A provisional list of requirements was drafted for PtMP systems so that Q6/15 can evaluate if it will be opportune to define a new related work item, in collaboration with Q2/15.
Q7/15 work on connectivity, operation and maintenance of optical physical infrastructures, and consented and reached agreement the new Recommendation L.210 (ex L.ncip) “Requirements for passive nodes: optical wall outlets and extender boxes" and revision of LSTP-GLSR “Guide on the use of ITU-T L-series Recommendations related to optical technologies for outside plant," respectively.
Q8/15 worked on optical fibre submarine cable systems and made a progress for the revision of G suppl.41. Q8/15 prepared the A1 justifications for the revision of G.971, 972, G9.76 and G.978. Q8/15 also discussed and made a progress on the new Recommendations G.dsssc (Dedicated scientific sensing submarine cable system) and (Scientific monitoring and telecommunication submarine systems).​

WP3/15 – Transport network characteristics
WP3 Chairman: Malcolm Betts; WP3 Vice-Chairman: Tom Huber

  • ​​​​​Q10/15 Consented 2 corrigenda and 3 Implementer's Guides to harmonize terminology on packet transport networks.
  • Q11/15 made significant progress on agreeing the direction for OTN B400G, and a new work item on 800 Gb/s interfaces was initiated. Work continued on the enhancement of OTN. 5 Recommendations were consented, one supplement was agreed, and 4 new work items were initiated.
  • Q11/15 made progress on sub1G; one new work item on sub1G over MTN was initiated and the work item on sub1G over OTN was updated.
  • Q12/15 consented an amendment to G.7703 (ASON architecture) and initiated new work items to amend G.7701 (Common control architecture) and G.7702 (SDN).
  • Q12/15 and Q14/15 are continuing to investigate the application of AI/ML to transport networks in particular the impact on the architecture of the management control system and the definition of interfaces to support AI/ML applications.
  • Q13/15 is continuing to work on the requirements and solutions for time and frequency synchronization of the transport network to support advanced applications (e.g. 5G). 14 Recommendations were consented and 9 new work items were initiated.
  • Q13/15 and Q14/15 are continuing to work, in cooperation with IEEE 1588, on the management of the synchronization network and equipment.
  • Q14/15 is continuing to enhance the set of Recommendation on the management and control of transport networks. 9 Recommendations were consented and 9 new work items were initiated.
  • Q14/15 is continuing to work in cooperation with IEEE 802.1, IEEE 1588, IEEE 802.3, ONF, MEF, BBF, and IETF to provide consistent information models and YANG data models for transport networks including Ethernet and network synchronization.

​Q10/15 consented Corrigenda for G.8121.1 and G.8121.2 (MPLS-TP equipment functional blocks supporting OAM mechanisms) and agreed Implementer's Guides for G.8013/Y.1731 (OAM for Ethernet-based networks), G.8021 (Ethernet equipment), G.8121 (MPLS-TP equipment) to harmonize on Management Communication Channel terminology. Discussion additionally led to agreement per A.13 to delete outdated YSuppl. 4 (on transport requirements for T-MPLS OAM and considerations for the application of IETF MPLS technology). Q10/15 also progressed the functional modelling for IMP mapping of packet traffic in both G.8021 and G.8121 with future work planned towards Dec 2023 consent of amendments to both G.8021 and G.8121. A “roll-up" revision of G.8013/Y1.731 is also planned for consent in April 2023.
​Q11/15 made significant progress on all of the topics. Five documents were consented, including a new Recommendation G.8321 on MTN equipment, amendments to FlexO Recommendations G.709.1 and G.709.3, a corrigendum to G.709 OTN an amendment to the G.806 characteristics of transport networks recommendation. Q11 also agreed a revision to the G.Sup58 OTN module-framer interface supplement that added an OTL4.2 interface using 56 Gbit/s electrical lanes. The work on OTN interface rates beyond 400 Gbit/s (B400G) was focused on 800 Gbit/s interfaces. Specifically, FlexO code points were reserved for use by OIF 800ZR and it was agreed to add an 800 Gbit/s FlexO-8 frame format to the next revision of G.709.1 revision. Progress was made on sub1G, which includes carrying sub-1 Gbit/s client signals over both OTN and MTN. Approximately 35 sub1G common understandings were documented, and 17 key open issues were identified, which should facilitate a productive interim meeting in February 2023.
Q12/15 consented G.7703 Amd. 1 and initiated amendments to G.7701 and G.7702. The impact of external applications to management-control systems, including AI/ML‑based apps, continues to be discussed, particularly on the reference point between MC systems and those external applications. The interaction between computing and networking was discussed, and recent SG13 work in this area was noted. Architecture topics explored were additional optical performance monitors for G.807, modelling of PON and PON slices as described in G.Sup74, and a new sub1G layer under development in Q11/15.
The face to face plenary facilitated discussion on topics that spanned WGs. This included PON modelling (Q2 & Q12), optical point to multipoint (Q2 & Q6), z-bit and single lane 100G (Q6 & Q11), and Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (Q6, Q11, Q12 & Q14).
Q13/15 continued the work on requirements and solutions for time and frequency synchronization. Several Revisions and Amendments to the Q13 Recommendations were consented at this meeting.
All the PTP profiles have been revised (G.8265.1, G.8275.1, and G.8275.2) with important updates, e.g., as related to support synchronization management and of the monitoring of PTP networks. G.8275 Amd3 (time sync architectures) was consented, the new material included alignment with the updated profiles.
G.8271.1 (network limits for time synchronization over full timing support) was updated the new material included the requirements for high accuracy time transfer.
Several recommendation providing requirements for clocks were updated:
Revised G.8262.1 with new requirements for the enhanced synchronous equipment clocks; G.8273.2 Amd2 (Timing characteristics of telecom boundary clocks and telecom time slave clocks) with additional requirements and guidance for testing clocks; G.8273.4 Amd 2 (clock for full timing support networks) with clarifications and information on the derivation of the requirements.
Other Recommendations that were consented at this meeting are: G.8260 (time synchronization terminology and definitions) with clarification on the terminology for UTC traceability; G.8272 with additional requirements for the PRTC (Primary Reference Time Clock); G.781 Amd1 and G.781.1 Amd1 (synchronization layer functions for synchronization over the physical layer, and over packet networks respectively) including the addition of new interfaces (e.g., FlexO). G.8251 (control of jitter and wander for OTN) addressing new interfaces; G.8271.2 Amd1 (network limits for partial timing support) with clarification on the requirements.
Progress has been made on the specification of dataset members for the distribution of frequency synchronization over the physical layer. This is particularly important for the work on synchronization management in Q14. The plan is to complete this work by 2023 as part of a new Appendix in G.781.
Joint meeting was held with Q14 on the topic of synchronization management.
Liaisons have been sent to 3GPP on the topic of delivering synchronization over networks including 5G air interface; to O-RAN on the topic of synchronization security and to IEEEP1952 on the topic of timing resiliency.
The development of a new Supplement, G.Suppl-FTS, dealing with the use of options in PTP profile with full timing Support from the network, was agreed
Q13/15 plans to hold an interim face-to-face meeting in December 2022 and a virtual meeting in February 2023.
Q14/15 consented nine Recommendations on management requirement, UML information model and YANG data model: New G.8350 (MTN management), G.874 Amd.1 (OTN management requirement), G.7710 Amd.1 (Transport management generic requirement), G.7716 Revision. (MC operations), G.7718 Amd.1 (Management of MC components/functions), G.7721 Amd.1 (Synchronization management), G.8052.1 Amd.1 (Ethernet NE OAM information/data models), G.8152.1 Amd.1 (MPLS-TP NE OAM information/data models), and G.8152.2 Amd.1 (MPLS-TP NE resilience information/data models). Progress was made on the other work items. Nine new work items were initiated for revisions and amendment to the Recommendations.
Q14/15 plans to hold four tracks of correspondence activities (each of which includes a series of virtual meetings) on modeling coordination (with invited modelling experts from IEEE 1588, IEEE 802.1, IEEE 802.3, ONF, MEF, BBF, IETF, TM Forum), MC management & modeling, Transport common information model (TCIM), Synchronization, Ethernet, MPLS-TP, MTN, OTN & Optical media management.
Q14/15 and Q12/15 also plan to hold a joint interim meeting (face-to-face with remote participation).


​WP1/15 – Determination

Recommendations​ N=new
Title​ Text in
G.9901 Amd.1NNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers – Power spectral density specification


WP1/15 - Consent

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in
G.9903 Amd.2NNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers for G3-PLC networks TD8R1/P
A.5 in
G.9903 Cor.1NNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers for G3-PLC networks TD9R1/P
G.9901 Cor.1NNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers – Power spectral density specification TD11R1/P
G.9802.1 Amd.1NWavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks (WDM PON): General requirements TD22R1/P
G.997.2 Cor.2NPhysical layer management for transceivers TD33R1/P
G.997.3 Cor.1NPhysical layer management for MGfast transceivers TD34R1/P
G.9711 Cor.1NMulti-gigabit fast access to subscriber terminals (MGfast) – Physical layer specification TD71R1/P
G.9804.2 Amd1NHigher Speed Passive Optical Networks-Common Transmission Convergence Layer TD73R1/P
G.987.2R10-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (XG-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer TD76R1/P
G.9807.1R10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (XGS-PON) TD77R1/P
G.988RONU management and control interface (OMCI) TD78R1/P
G.9701 Cor.3NFast access to subscriber terminals ( – Physical layer specification TD79R1/P
G.9804.3 Amd.1N50-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (50G-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification TD86R1/P
G.9962 Amd.2NUnified high-speed wire-line based home networking transceivers – Management TD87R1/P

WP2/15 - Consent

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in

(ex L.oehc)

NType II optical/electrical hybrid cables for access points and other terminal equipment TD84R2/P

(ex L.ncip)

NRequirements for passive optical nodes: optical wall outlets and extender boxes TD83R2/P

WP3/15 - Consent

Recommendation N=new
Title Text in
G.8121.1/Y.1381.1 Cor.1NCharacteristics of MPLS-TP equipment functional blocks supporting ITU-T G.8113.1/Y.1372.1 OAM mechanisms - Corrigendum 1 TD107/P
G.8121.2/Y.1381.2 Cor.1NCharacteristics of MPLS-TP equipment functional blocks supporting ITU-T G.8113.2/Y.1372.2 OAM mechanisms - Corrigendum 1 TD108/P
G.709 Cor.2NInterfaces for the optical transport network - Corrigendum 2 TD32R1/P
G.709.1 Amd.3NFlexible OTN short-reach interfaces – Amendment 3 TD81R1/P
G.709.3 Amd.1NFlexible OTN long reach interfaces – Amendment 1 TD82R1/P
G.806 Amd.1NCharacteristics of transport equipment - Description methodology and generic functionality - Amendment 1 TD7R1/P
G.8321 (ex
NCharacteristics of MTN equipment functional blocks TD6R1/P
A.5 in
G.7703 Amd.1NArchitecture for the automatically switched optical network – Amendment 1 TD16R1/P
G.781 Amd.1NSynchronization layer functions for frequency synchronization based on the physical layer - Amendment 1 TD4R1/P
A.5 in
G.781.1 Amd.1NSynchronization Layer Functions for packet-based networks - Amendment 1 TD3R1/P
G.8251RThe control of jitter and wander within the optical transport network (OTN) TD5R1/P
A.5 in
G.8260RDefinitions and terminology for synchronization in packet networks TD19R2/P
A.5 in
G.8262.1/Y.1362.1RTiming characteristics of enhanced synchronous equipment slave clock TD12R1/P
A.5 in
G.8265.1RPrecision time protocol telecom profile for frequency synchronization TD80R1/P
G.8271.1/Y.1366.1RNetwork limits for time synchronization in Packet networks with full timing support from the network TD20R1/P
A.5 in
G.8271.2/Y.1366.2 Amd.1NNetwork limits for time synchronization in packet networks with partial timing support from the network - Amendment 1 TD21R1/P
A.5 in
G.8272/Y.1367 Amd.2*NTiming characteristics of primary reference time clocks - Amendment 2 TD18R2/P*
A.5 in
G.8273.2/Y.1368.2 (2020) Amd.2NTiming characteristics of telecom boundary clocks and telecom time slave clocks for use with full timing support from the network - Amendment 2 TD13R1/P
G.8273.4/Y.1368.4 Amd.2NTiming characteristics of partial timing support telecom boundary clocks and telecom time slave clocks for use with partial timing support from the network – Amendment 2 TD14R1/P
G.8275/Y.1369 (2020) Amd.3NArchitecture and requirements for packet-based time and phase distribution - Amendment 3 TD74R1/P
G.8275.1/Y.1369.1RPrecision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing support from the network TD75R1/P
A.5 in
G.8275.2/Y.1369.2RPrecision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with partial timing support from the network TD70R1/P
G.7710/Y.1701 Amd.1NCommon equipment management function requirements: Amendment 1 TD28R1/P
G.7716RArchitecture of management and control operations TD17R1/P
G.7718 Amd.1NFramework for the management of management-control components and functions - Amendment 1 TD35/P
G.7721 Amd.1NManagement requirement and information model for synchronization TD31R1/P
A.5 in
G.8052.1/Y.1346.1 Amd.1NOperation, administration, maintenance (OAM) Management Information and Data Models for the Ethernet-Transport Network Element -Amendment 1 TD29R1/P
G.8152.1/Y.1375.1 Amd.1*NOperation, administration, maintenance (OAM) management information and data models for the MPLS-TP network element - Amendment 1 TD30R2/P*
G.8152.2/Y.1375.2 Amd.1*N Resilience information/data models for the MPLS-TP network element - Amendment 1 TD27R2/P*
A.5 in
G.8350 (ex and Control for metro transport network TD26R1/P
A.5 in
G.874 Amd.1NManagement aspects of optical transport network elements - Amendment 1 TD24R1/P

* 30-day editing period was requested before initiating last call.


WP1/15 - Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
G Suppl. 45ROptical access systems power conservation TD23R1/P
G Suppl. 78 (ex. G.supFTTR4B)NUse case and Requirements of Fibre-to-The-Room for Small Business Applications (FTTR4B) TD72R1/P
GSTP-OPHNNOperation of technology over access and in-premises phone line medium TD88R1/P

WP2/15 - Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
GSTR-SDM (ex. TR.sdm)NOptical Fibre, Cable, and Components for Space Division Multiplexing Transmission TD85R1/P
LSTP-GLSRRGuide on the use of ITU-T L-series Recommendations related to optical technologies for outside plant TD25R2/P

WP3/15 - Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
G.Imp8013NOperations, administration and maintenance (OAM) functions and mechanisms for Ethernet-based networks - Implementer's Guide TD104/P
G.Imp8021NCharacteristics of Ethernet transport network equipment functional blocks - Implementer's Guide TD105/P
G.Imp8121NCharacteristics of MPLS-TP equipment functional blocks - Implementer's Guide TD106/P
G Suppl. 58ROptical transport network module framer interfaces TD15R1/P

WP3/15 candidate non-normative texts for deletion (for Agreement)

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
Y Suppl. 4-ITU-T Y.1300 series - Supplement on transport requirements for T-MPLS OAM and considerations for the application of IETF MPLS technology (01/2008)-