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Executive Summary ITU-T SG17 'Security' special e-plenary, 11:00-15:23, 7 January 2022 Objective (ref. Col 13/17): - conduct final review of SG17 reports to WTSA-20
- plan future SG17 meetings after WTSA-20
- take necessary decisions on 12 items identified by last SG17 (Virtual, 24 August – 3 September 2021) meeting
- AoB - corrigendum to X.1712 (proposed by Contribution C1179)
Meeting Output:
- TAP approval (8): Eight new Recommendations X.1234, X.1235, X.1333, X.1369, X.1407, X.1453, X.1643 and X.1752. Details are in Annex A a).
- TAP not approved (3): Actions on three other items (X.1246Amd.1, X.1247Amd.1 and X.1812) are deferred to next SG17 meeting, see Annex A b).
- AAP consent: corrigendum to X.1712, see Annex A c).
- An SG17 Task force was established to prepare for the first SG17 meeting in next study period, focusing on SG17 WP structure and leadership (ref. ToR in TD4120).
- “ITU-T X.509 Day" event on 9 May 2022
- Briefing on FG-QIT4N deliverables for Q15/17 during next SG17 meeting
Future SG17 meetings:
- “ITU-T X.509 Day" event on 9 May 2022
- Tuesday 10 – Friday 20 May 2022, fully virtual meeting, 9 working days at 10:00-16:00 Geneva time
- Open and extended management team meeting on Friday 6 May 2022, 12:00-16:00
- 15 texts are candidate for action in SG17 May 2022 meeting, see in Annex B.
- Tuesday 23 August – Friday 2 September 2022 (9 working days), hopefully a physical meeting in Geneva
- Open and extended SG17 management team meeting on Monday 22 August 2022
- Interim RGMs:
| Q | Date | Place/Host | Subject/objective | 1. | 2/17
| 23-24 February 2022 | e-meeting | - To work on candidate texts for TAP determination and approval scheduled for May 2022 SG17 meeting
- To work on other candidate texts scheduled for action in May 2022 SG17 meeting
| 2. | 3/17 | 7 February 2022 | e-meeting | - Further discussion on X.1051-rev
| 3. | 4/17 | ? February 2022 | e-meeting | - To work on candidate texts for TAP approval scheduled for May 2022 SG17 meeting
| 4. | 6/17 | 17 February 2022 | e-meeting | - To work on candidate texts for TAP determination scheduled for May 2022 SG17 meeting
| 5. | 10/17 | 15 Feb 2022 | e-meeting | - Review of draft Recommendations; X.tec-idms, X.1250rev, X.1251rev, X.gpwd, X.pet_auth, X.oob-sa, X.srdidm
- FIDO Alliance Liaison Statement (SG17-LS319)
- The status of the discussion with FIDO Alliance, TSB, and Q10/17 Rapporteurs
| 6. | 15/17 | 20-21 Jan 2022 | e-meeting | - To address and discuss draft X.sec_QKDN_intrq for consent in the next study period
- Contribution deadline is 13 Jan 2022
Participation: - 100 participants: 12 Member States, 15 Sector Members, 2 Associates and 3 Academia. 3 invited expert (ref. TD4116).
Annex A Actions taken on Recommendations, and other texts at the 7 January 2022 plenary a) TAP Recommendations approved (WTSA-16 Resolution 1): Q(1) | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of Text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | 4/17 | X.1234 (X.gcmms) | Guideline for countering Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) spam | New | Jinfeng Kou, Zhaoji Lin, Wei Liu, Ye Tao | TD4204 | | 2018-09 | 2021-09 | 4/17 | X.1235 (X.tecwes) | Technologies in countering website spoofing for telecommunication organizations | New | Ruzhen Hu, Meng Nan, Chen Zhang | TD4210 | | 2018-03 | 2021-09 | 6/17 | X.1333 (X.sg-rat) | Security guidelines for use of remote access tools in Internet-connected control systems | New | Gunhee Lee | TD4205 | | 2019-09 | 2021-09 | 6/17 | X.1369 (X.ssp-iot) | Security requirements for IoT service platform | New | Hao Dong, Yanfei Guo, Lijun Liu, Jae Hoon Nah, Wenxin Wang, Junjie Xia | R97 | | 2018-03 | 2021-09 | 6/17 | X.1453 (X.strvms) | Security threats and requirements for video management systems | New | Jong Wook Han, Geon Woo Kim, Kyungsoo Lim | R99 | | 2018-03 | 2021-09 | 8/17 | X.1752 (X.sgBDIP) | Security guidelines for big data infrastructure and platform | New | Arnaud Taddei, Ye Tao, Laifu Wang | TD4207 | | 2018-03 | 2021-09 | 8/17 | X.1643 (X.sgcc) | Security guidelines for container in cloud computing environment | New | Lanfang Ren, Ye Tao, Laifu Wang, Lei Xu | TD4206 | | 2018-09 | 2021-09 | 14/17 | X.1407 (X.srip-dlt) | Security requirements for digital integrity proofing service based on distributed ledger technology | New | Jung Yeon Hwang, Juhee Ki, Min Shu, Wenlei Wang, Yang Wu, Yunwei Zhao | TD4211 | | 2018-09 | 2021-09 |
b) TAP Recommendations not approved (WTSA-16 Resolution 1): Q(1) | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of Text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Determined | Decision
| 2/17 | X.1812 (X.5Gsec-t) | Security framework based on trust relationship for IMT-2020 ecosystem | New | Minpeng Qi, Li Su, Junzhi Yan, HeungYoul Youm | TD4208 | | 2018-09 | 2021-09 | deferred to next SG17 May 2022 meeting
| 4/17 | X.1246Amd.1 | Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations | New | Dmitry Cherkesov, Yanbin Zhang | R94 | | 2019-09 | 2021-09 | deferred to next SG17 May 2022 meeting
| 4/17 | X.1247Amd.1 | Technical framework for countering mobile messaging spam | New | Dmitry Cherkesov, Yanbin Zhang | R95 | | 2019-09 | 2021-09 | deferred to next SG17 May 2022 meeting
c) AAP text consented for Last Call (Recommendation ITU-T A.8): Q(1) | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of Text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | 15/17
| X.1712Cor.1 | Corrigendum to X.1712 - Security requirements and designs for quantum key distribution networks - key management | New | Kaoru Kenyoshi | TD4219 | | 2022-01 | 2022-01 |
Annex B Candidate texts for action in next SG17 May 2022 meeting a) Candidate texts for TAP approval (WTSA-16 Resolution 1) (3): | Q | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | 1. | 2/17 | X.1812 (X.5Gsec-t) | Security framework based on trust relationship for IMT-2020 ecosystem | New | Minpeng Qi, Li Su, Junzhi Yan, HeungYoul Youm | TD4208 | | 2018-09 | 2021-09 | 2. | 4/17 | X.1246Amd.1 | Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations | New | Dmitry Cherkesov, Yanbin Zhang | R94 | | 2019-09 | 2021-09 | 3. | 4/17 | X.1247Amd.1 | Technical framework for countering mobile messaging spam | New | Dmitry Cherkesov, Yanbin Zhang | R95 | | 2019-09 | 2021-09 |
b) Candidate texts for TAP determination (WTSA-16 Resolution 1) (4): | Q | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | 1. | 2/17 | X.5Gsec-guide | Security guideline for 5G communication system | New | Mee Yeon Kim, Keundug Park, Heung Youl Youm | TD4160 | | 2019-01 | 2022-05 | 2. | 2/17 | X.5Gsec-vs | Security requirements for vertical services supporting ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC) in the 5G non-public networks | New | Jae Eon Oh, Seongki Shin, Heung Youl Youm | TD4170 | | 2020-09 | 2022-05 | 3. | 6/17 | X.iotsec-4 | Security requirements for IoT devices and gateway | New | Jiho Bang, Wonsuk Chung, Sanggeol Lee, Hosoek Ryu | TD4072 | | 2018-09 | 2022-05 | 4. | 6/17 | X.sc-iot | Security controls for Internet of Things (IoT) systems | New | Liu Lijun, Koji Nakao | TD4091 | | 2018-09 | 2022-05 |
c) Candidate texts for AAP consent (Recommendation ITU-T A.8) (7): | Q | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | 1. | 10/17 | X.1250rev | Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management and interoperability | Rev | Abbie Barbir | TD4075 | | 2020-09 | 2022-05 | 2. | 10/17 | X.1251rev | A framework for user control of digital identity | Rev | Abbie Barbir | TD4079 | | 2020-09 | 2022-05 | 3. | 10/17 | X.gpwd | Threat analysis and guidelines for securing password and password-less authentication solutions | New | Abbie Barbir | TD4078 | | 2020-09 | 2022-05 | 4. | 11/17 | X.510Amd.1 | Information Technology – Open systems Interconnection - The Directory - Protocol specifications for secure operations | New | Erik Andersen | TD3996 | ISO/IEC 9594-11 | 2020-09 | 2022-05 | 5. | 13/17 | X.rsu-sec | Security requirements for road-side units in intelligent transportation systems | New | Qiguang Fan, Jin Peng, Ye Tian, Junzhi Yan | TD4054 | | 2019-09 | 2022-05 | 6. | 14/17 | X.ss-dlt | Security services based on distributed ledger technology | New | Yue Chen, Zhaoji Lin, Min Shu, Ke Wang, Kai Wei, Junjie Xia, Junzhi Yan | TD4012 | | 2017-05 | 2022-05 | 7. | 15/17 | X.sec-QKDN-intrq | Security requirements for integration of QKDN and secure network infrastructures | New | Kaoru Kenyoshi | TD4020 | | 2020-09 | 2022-05 |
d) Candidate text for approval by SG17 agreement (1) : | Q | Acronym | Title | New / Revised | Editor(s) | Location of text | Equivalent e.g., ISO/IEC | Start of work | Timing | -
| 2/17 | XSTP-5Gsec-RM | 5G Security Standardization Roadmap | New | Yutaka Miyake, Junzhi Yan, Gunhee Lee, Stiepan Kovac | TD4090 | | 2021-09 | 2022-05