ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Rapporteur Group Meetings

WP Question Date Place / Host Subject Documents Invitation Status
​3/13 ​14/13 20 December 2013 Conference Call Terms of Reference:
• Progress the work on SDN-FR
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) Invite Held
3/13 12/13 3-4 January 2014 Beijing, China /
China Unicom (TBC)

Terms of Reference:

  • To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation  Y.dsncdf according to received contributions and meeting discussions.
  • To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel according to received contributions and meeting discussions.
TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​10/13 9-10 January 2014​ Beijing, China​

​​Terms of Reference:  
Advancing the work on Y.MC- IAS, Y.MC-FSC, Y.MC-MPT, but not limited to.


​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​14/13 22-24 January 2014​
Japan / TTC
(with remote participation support)
Terms of Reference:
Progress the work on SDN-FR
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) ​Invite
​1/13 ​2/13 17-28 February 2014​* Geneva​

Terms of Reference: 
the work items including possible new work items of Q2/13

​TD 86 (PLEN/13)
​1/13 ​3/13 ​17-28 February 2014* ​Geneva

​Terms of Reference:
the work items including possible new work items of Q3/13

​TD 86 (PLEN/13)
​1/13 ​4/13 ​17-28 February 2014​ ​Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • Finalize the Q.1741.9, and Q.1742.11 with inputs from SDOs for a possible consent in the July, 2014 SG 13 meeting;
  • progress Q.EPC-R11 draft recommendation.
  • Discuss any contributions that will come
​​TD 86 (PLEN/13)
​1/13 ​5/13 ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​Geneva​ ​Terms of Reference:
  • Produce the draft final version of the Supplement on “Scenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments  for IMT and IMS in developing countries”
  • Prepare a document summarizing the findings of a gap analysis on the current status and trends of IMS and IMT in customer user needs, technology, market, and standardization requirements, if any, from a view point of developing country telecom networks.
  • Discuss any contributions on the subject of Q5/13.
​TD 86 (PLEN/13)​
​2/13 6/13​ ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • work on advancing the state of its work items as per terms of reference.
​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​7/13 24-28 February 2014​ Geneva​ Terms of Reference:
  • to advance the draft Y.dpifr for determination;
  • to advance all Q7/13 work item.
​TD 90 (PLEN/13)​
​2/13 ​8/13 17-28 February 2014​ ​Geneva

​ Terms of Reference:

  • to advance all Q8/13 work items
​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​9/13 ​17-28 February 2014​ ​Geneva

​ Terms of Reference:

  • advancing the work on Y.MM-MD, Y.MM-WAW and Y.MobileP2P
​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​10/13 19-28 February 2014​ Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • advancing the work on Y.MC- IAS, Y.MC-FSC, Y.MC-MPT, but not limited to
​​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​11/13 17-28 February 2014​​* ​Geneva​
Terms of Reference:
  • Q11/13 will deal with 6 draft recommendations (Y.StreamIntw, Y.sfem-WoO, Y.sms-WoO, Y.meg, Y.HEMS-arch,, the current living list items of Q11/13, but are not limited to.
TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)​
​3/13 12/13​ ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​​Geneva​
Terms of Reference:
  • To review the draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel
  • To discuss the contributions about the draft Recommendation  Y.dsncdf according to received contributions and meeting discussions
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​13/13 ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​​Geneva​
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress these on-going draft Recommendations and Supplement:
  • Propose possible new work items
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​14/13 ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​​Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • Progress Q.14 relevant work
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​15/13 ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​​Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • Progress  on-draft Recommendation Y.FN-h
  • eteronet
TD 92 Rev.1​ (PLEN/13)
​3/13 ​16/13 ​17-28 February 2014​​ ​​Geneva​

Terms of Reference:

  • Q16/13 will deal with 4 draft recommendations (Y.FNsocioeconomic, Y.FNserv-uni, Y.energyECN, Y.FNterm), the current living list items of Q16/13, but are not limited to
​TD 92 Rev.1 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​18/13 19-28 February 2014​ ​Geneva
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work of on-going draft Recommendations  (Y.ccic, Y.ccra, Y.CCNaaS, Y.CCIaaS)
  • Review and modify the work program and work plan
  • Update the Living Lists of on-going draft Recommendations
  • Discuss new work items introduced by contributions
  • Participate in joint sessions with other Questions as needed
But are not limited to.
TD 90 (PLEN/13)​
​2/13 ​17/13 19-28 February 2014​ ​Geneva
Terms of Reference:
  • Progress the work of the high priority draft Recommendation (Y.DaaS)
  • Progress the work of other on-going draft Recommendation  (Y.BigData-reqts)
  • Discuss new work items introduced by contributions.
  • Review the work program and modify the Action Plan
  • Update the Living Lists
  • Participate in joint sessions with other Questions as needed
But are not limited to.
​TD 90 (PLEN/13)
​2/13 ​19/13 26-27 February 2014​ Geneva​
Terms of Reference:
  • to advance the Life Cycle Management (Y.e2ecslm-Req) work item and to participate in joint meetings.
​TD 90 (PELN/13)
​1/13 ​1/13 25-28 March 2014​ Seoul, Korea / TTA​

Terms of Reference:

  • Progress including, but not limited to, Y.ufn, Y.fsul,Y.ucs, Y.wpt , Y.disfs, Y.fsn as well as new work items
​TD 86 (PLEN/13)
*  as part of IoT GSI on 19–25 February 2014 ​ ​ ​