ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Meeting results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations at 14 October 2016
Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5
(Geneva, 10-14 October 2016)

1. Approved Recommendation by SG 5 (according to A.8 §5)      

ITU-T Rec. Number​​Title​Question
L.1002External universal power adapter solutions for portable information and communication technology devices (TD1709 Rev.2)13/5

2. Recommendations Consented by SG 5 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8) 

2.1 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number​​Title​​Question
​K.20​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1759)4/5
​K.21​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1755 Rev.1)​4/5
​K.44​Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents - Basic Recommendation (TD1766)​4/5
K.45​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1775)​4/5
​K.50​Safe limits of operating voltages and currents for telecommunication systems powered over the network (TD1731 Rev.1)​4/5
​K.52Guidance on complying with limits for human exposure to electromagnetic fields (TD1735)​7/5
​K.93​Immunity of home network devices to electromagnetic disturbances (TD1676 Rev.1) ​8/5

2.2 New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number​​​TitleQuestion
ITU-T K.117 (ex. K.spd)​Primary protector parameters for the surge protection of equipment Ethernet ports (TD1669 Rev.1)​2/5
ITU-T K.118 (ex. K.fttdp)Requirements for Lightning Protection of Fibre To The distribution point (FTTdp) Equipment (TD1665 Rev.3)​4,5/5
ITU-T K.119 (ex. K.acrb)Conformance Assessment of Radio Base Stations Regarding Lightning Protection and Earthing (TD1668 Rev.1)​5/5
ITU-T K.120 (ex. K.lem)​Lightning Protection and Earthing of Miniature Base Station (TD1703 Rev.1)5/5
ITU-T K.121 (ex. K.env)Guidance on the Environmental Management for Compliance with Radio Frequency EMF limits for Radiocommunication Base Stations (TD1656 Rev.5)​7/5
​ITU-T K.122 (ex. K.emf)​Exposure levels in the close proximity of the radiocommunication antennas (TD1737 Rev.2)​7/5
​ITU-T K.123
(ex. K.e_faci)
​EMC requirements for electrical systems in telecommunication facilities (TD1757 Rev.2)​9/5
​ITU-T K.124
(ex. K.soft_bas)
Overview of particle radiation effects on telecommunications systems (TD1742 Rev.1)​10/5
​ITU-T L.1006
(ex L.test suites stationary)
​Test suites for assessment of the External universal power adapter solutions for stationary information and communication technology devices (TD1699 Rev2)13/5​
​ITU-T L.1007
(ex L.test suites portable)
​Test suites for assessment of the External universal power adapter solutions for portable information and communication technology devices  (TD1769 Rev.1)13/5​
ITU-T L.1504
(ex. L.ICT and adaptation of agriculture)
​ICT and adaptation of agriculture to the effects of climate change (TD1721 Rev.3)15/5​
ITU-T L.1360
(ex L.EE-ARCH)
​Energy control of SDN architecture (TD1693 Rev.1)​17/5
ITU-T L.1331
(ex. L.mnee)
​Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency (TD1700 Rev.4)​17/5
​ITU-T L.1315
(ex. L.std tandt in EE)
​Standardization terms and trends in energy efficiency (TD1776 Rev.1)17/5​
​ITU-T L.1325
(ex. L. Green STNI)
​Green ICT solutions for telecom network facilities (TD1682 Rev.2)​17/5
​ITU-T L.1205
(ex. L.renewable)
​Interfacing of renewable energy or distributed power sources to up to 400 VDC power feeding systems (TD1716 Rev.6)​19/5

3. Agreed informative texts

K.Suppl.6 to ITU-T K.115Measuring shielding effectiveness using normalized site attenuation in free space (TD1714)​10/5
​L.Suppl.27Supplement on success stories on e-waste management (TD1655 Rev.1)13/5
L.Suppl.28 Circular Economy in Information and Communication Technology; Definition of approaches, concepts and metrics (TD1654 Rev.2)13/5  
L.Suppl.29:​L.1700 - Supplement on low-cost sustainable telecommunication for rural communications in developing countries using Cellular Radio Technologies (TD1673 Rev.4) 14/5
L.Suppl.30L.1700 - Supplement on setting up a low-cost sustainable telecommunications network for rural communications in developing countries using cellular network with capacity transfer (TD1672 Rev.3)14/5
L.Suppl.31Supplement on setting up a low-cost sustainable telecommunications network for rural communications in developing countries using satellite systems (TD1671 Rev. 2)14/5
L.Suppl.32 Supplement for eco-specifications and rating criteria for mobile phones eco-rating programs (TD1658 Rev.1)16/5
​Assessment of Energy Consumption of ICT Services (TD1675 Rev.1)17/5
L.Suppl.34Example of hybrid-based LCA of the aggregated second order effects of selected ICT services (TD1782 Rev.2)18/5

4. Agreed questionnaire


5. Recommendation proposed for deletion  

ITU-T Rec. Number​​Title​Question
K.5Joint use of poles for electricity distribution and for telecommunications (TD1788)