ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU Carrier Codes

ITU Carrier Codes (According to ITU-T Recommendation M.1400)

Note by the TSB

  1. As the number of telecom operators in each country is ​growing rapidly, the number of interconnections between their networks is growing even faster. The standardization of designations of all the network interconnections is therefore of great concern for the operators involved. Only then are they able to do the provisioning and maintenance in a systematic and efficient way.

  2. The proper use of ITU-T Recommendation M.1400 requires the identification of the operators sharing the interconnection. To that end an overall list of operators working in a country, with an officially recognized and standardized code for each of them, is of great help. It enables them to identify each other in a comprehensive and unique way. This will eventually result in one integrated database for all connections, in turn improving network operations and administration to the benefit of both providers and clients.

  3. Due to liberalization of telecommunications and increased competition in the telecommunications industry, there is a mandatory requirement that telecommunications operators that interoperate be identified. A centralized List of ITU Carrier Codes (ICCs) has been created with the ITU/TSB as the repository. All domestic and international carriers are expected to register with ITU/TSB for a carrier code. Instead of individual operators sending their ICCs to the TSB for registration, the national regulatory authorities are requested to provide the validated codes and related information of domestic network operators directly to the TSB.

  4. The  ICC  list identifies Operators that are recognized by each Member State's Administration. Such a list is provided on the central ITU ICC website at The ICCs may be used both for electronic commerce between operators and for designation of resources in their networks. Hence, ICCs can be assigned both to network operators and service providers.