The coalition is open to any organization entity or individual working on the field, including Standard Developing Organizations (SDOs).
Partners: Organizations and Institutions
Current coalition partners include individual representatives and affiliates representing the following organizations and institutions:
- ACMA – Australian Communications and Media Authority
- APRALO - Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization
- BNNRC - Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (People´s Republic of Bangladesh)
- Bapsi – Bidirectional Access Promotion Society (Republic of India)
- Center for Internet and Society (India) (Republic of India)
- DAISY Consortium – Digital Accessible Information System Consortium (Japan)
- DIPLOFoundation
- DPI – Disabled People´s International (Canada)
- FEMAPH - Fédération Maliénne des Associations de Personnes Handicapées (Mali)
- Feel The BenefIT (Ireland)
- G3ict – The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs
- ICDRI – International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet
- ICFOSS - International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (Republic of India)
- IDPP - Institute on Disability and Public Policy, School of International Service, American University
- Inclusive Technologies (UK)
- ISOC - Internet Society
- ISOC-AR – Argentina Chapter of Internet Society
- ISOC Australia
- ITU – International Telecommunication Union
- Media Access (USA)
- Motorola Solutions Inc. (USA)
- People Who (USA)
- WAI - W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
- Andrea J. Saks (DCAD Coordinator, JCA-AHF Chairman, USA)
- Peter Major (DCAD Co-Coordinator, Special advisor, Hungarian Mission to the UN, Geneva)
- Gunela Asbrink (ISOC Australia)
- Gerry Ellis (FeelTheBenefit, Ireland)
- Arun Mehta (Bapsi, Director of Bidirectional Access Promotion Society, Republic of India)
- Frank Mulcahy (DPI, Disabled People´s International, Canada)
- Beverley Milligan (Media Access, USA)
- Nirmita Narasimhan (CIS, Center for Internet and Society, Republic of India)
- Jim Tobias (Inclusive Technologies, UK)
- Christopher Jones (Acceque Ltd., UK)
- Tamru Belay (Adaptive Technology Center for the Blind (ATCB), Canada/Ethiopia)
- Arnoud Van Wijk (ISOC, Internet Society, Kingdom of the Netherland)
- Axel Leblois (G3ict, The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs, USA)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr (APRALO, Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization)
- Catherine Roy
- Derrick Cogburn (IDPP, Institute on Disability and Public Policy, School of International Service, American University)
- Dipendra Manocha (DAISY Consortium, Digital Accessible Information System Consortium, Japan)
- Djadja Traore (FEMAPH, Fédération Maliénne des Associations de Personnes Handicapées, Mali)
- Virginia Paque (DIPLOFoundation, USA)
- Judith Okite (DIPLOFoundation, Kenya)
- Jorge Plano (ISOC-AR, Argentina Chapter of Internet Society, Argentine Republic)
- Satish Babu (ICFOSS, International Centre for Free and Open Source Software, Republic of India)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (W3C, Web Accessibility Initiative, Austria)
- Sylvia Caras (People Who, USA)
- Muhammad Shabbir (Board of Directors of ISOC Islamabad Pakistan Chapter, Pakistan)
- Judith Hellerstein (Hellerstein & Associates, USA)