Juan Pablo Martín is an electronic engineer from the University of Buenos Aires, and currently pursuing a PhD in signal and image processing. He is also the Director of “Communications Research Group” and a professor at “Facultad Regional San Nicolás” of “Universidad Tecnológica Nacional” from Argentina. Juan Pablo teaches in “Communication Systems II”, “Networking” and “ITU and international ICTs organizations“ subjects . He is a former member of the Aviation Cloud Focus Group of ITU-T and remains to be an active member of Working Party 5B of ITU-R and fills the role of Associate Rapporteur for Questions 2/20 of ITU-T Study Group 20 “Internet of Things, smart cities and communities”. In additional to being the author of many scientific papers on telecommunication topics, he is also the Team leader of the first Argentinian University satellite project with more than 15 years of experience working in the telecommunications field, specializing in project management, radio-frequency systems, data networks, and satellite systems.