Boris Goldstein (PhD) is full professor in the electrical engineering and computer sciences faculty at the Bonch-Bruevich State St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications. He graduated with honors from this University in 1973. He upheld the Ph.D. thesis “Study and development of the telephone operating system for a digital switching node” in 1982, and the Dr. Hab. thesis “Calculus of approximations for analyzing and designing the telecommunications systems software” in 1994.
At present, his scientific interest is focused on various aspects of telecommunication networks and protocols for NGN/IMS and postNGN. Results of this research work are available at For many years he has been a Deputy Director of the State Telecommunications R&D Institute (LONIIS), while doing all his best not to turn into a bureaucrat from science. For that reason, he has long been lecturing in the University. His post-graduate students are actively working today in telecom industry in Russia, Uzbekistan, USA, Mongolia, Germany, Senegal, Egypt and other countries.
Boris Goldstein has authored and published round 300 papers in infocommunications and twenty books among which are “Evolution of Telecommunication Protocols” (ISBN 5-8206-0106-8) in English, “Signaling in Telecommunication Networks”, “Access Network Protocols”, “Switching Systems”, “Softswitch” (all in Russian), etc.