Dr. Tominaga received his Bachelor degree in 1962, his Master’s degree in 1964 and his Doctorate in 1973 from the school of
Science and Engineering, Waseda University.
After graduating from Waseda University in 1964, he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation and worked at the Electrical Communication Laboratory as a Research Engineer for 10 years. In 1976, he returned to Waseda University as a Professor. His specialty is telecommunication networks and switching systems.
In the area of Academia, he founded and became the leader for various research organizations, such as DAPA, DAVIC, SCCC (Society of Content Creation and Communication), AIC and APCC, etc. In the field of International Standardization, he was involved in the work of ITU/CCITT SGXIV(Facsimile terminals) and SGVII (switching system) at the MPT and National committee in 1982. He was also the Chairman of the International Workshop of Telematics (IWT, IEEE Comsoc), the President of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ) and the President of the Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE).
He founded the Global Information and Communication Institute (GITI) in 1998 and the Graduate school of Global Information and Communication Studies (GITS) in 2000 in the Waseda University.
He was Visiting Professor at Essex University, U.K in 1978 and Invited Professor at Beijing Polytechnic University, China in 2003. He is currently Professor Emeritus at Waseda University.