World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) sets the overall direction and structure for ITU-T. It meets every four years and defines the general policy for the Sector, establishes the study groups, approves their expected work programme for the next four-year period, and appoints their chairmen and vice-chairmen.
Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
The Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) provides ITU-T with flexibility between WTSAs by reviewing priorities, programmes, operations, financial matters and strategies for the Sector. It also follows up on the accomplishments of the work programme, restructures and establishes ITU-T study groups, provides guidelines to the study groups, advises the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), and produces organization and working procedures in the shape of A series Recommendations.
Study Groups
The work of the Study Groups is at the heart of ITU-T. Please click on the relevant links in the right-hand navigation bar for an overview of each group's work.
Workshops and Seminars
ITU-T organizes a number of workshops and seminars to progress existing work areas and explore new ones. The events cover a wide array of topics in the ICT field and speakers and attendees include engineering, strategy and policy experts from a range of industry sectors. Organized events are free of charge and open to the public.
Technology Watch
Technology Watch identifies and surveys emerging technologies, as well as their likely impact on future standardization work for both developed and developing countries, with a view to identifying work items able to lead to new ITU-T Recommendations.