Eugenio Androvetto
Director, Directorate of Radiation Protection and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Costa Rica
Engineer Eugenio Androvetto has vast experience in the public sector. He currently holds the position of Director of the Directorate of Radiation Protection and Environmental Health and various positions in the Ministry of Health. He was coordinator of the regulations that regulate ordinary and special handling waste, which have allowed the implementation of the Law for Comprehensive Waste Management. He has developed and implemented instruments for the quality of wastewater discharges, drinking water, air quality and protection of the human environment in general. Likewise, he is the Prosecutor of the Board of Directors of the Atomic Energy Commission of Costa Rica.
Luis Ignacio Giraldo Álvarez (English Version) Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunication (MICITT)
Electrical Engineer and Master in Industrial Engineering l. With 28 years of experience in the telecommunications area. She works in the Telecommunications Networks Management of the Vice Ministry of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications. Active member of the Executive Committee for the Comprehensive Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste (CEGIRE). Law No. 8660 called the Law of Strengthening and Modernization of Public Entities of the Telecommunications Sector, in its article 39, subsections i) and j), establishes among the functions of the Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT) the following:
i) Ensure compliance with applicable national environmental regulations and the sustainable development of telecommunications in harmony with nature.
j) Promote an efficient comprehensive management of waste from telecommunications activities, as well as the optimization of resources, through the planning and execution of regulatory, operational, financial, administrative, educational, monitoring and evaluation actions, in coordination with the other competent entities, according to the national waste legislation.
(Spanish Version)
Ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones (MICITT)
Ingeniero Eléctrico y Máster en Ingeniería Industrial. Con 28 años de experiencia en el área de telecomunicaciones. Labora en la Gerencia de Redes de Telecomunicaciones del Viceministerio de Telecomunicaciones del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones. Miembro activo del Comité Ejecutivo para la Gestión Integral de Residuos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (CEGIRE). La Ley N.º 8660 denominada Ley de Fortalecimiento y Modernización de las Entidades Públicas del Sector Telecomunicaciones, en su artículo 39, incisos i) y j), establece entre las funciones del ministro o la ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones (MICITT) las siguientes:
i) Velar por el cumplimiento de la normativa ambiental nacional aplicable y el desarrollo sostenible de las telecomunicaciones en armonía con la naturaleza.
j) Impulsar una eficiente gestión integral de los residuos provenientes de las actividades de telecomunicaciones, así como la optimización de los recursos, mediante la planificación y ejecución de acciones regulatorias, operativas, financieras, administrativas, educativas, de monitoreo y evaluación, en coordinación con los demás entes competentes, según la legislación nacional de residuos.
Pernilla Bergmark Principal Researcher ICT Sustainability Impacts, Ericsson
Pernilla Bergmark is a Principal Researcher at Ericsson focused on the sustainability impacts of ICT. Her research interests include methodology development and assessments related to climate impacts, circular economy, smart sustainable cities, and the Global Goals. Pernilla Bergmark is a co-author of the Exponential Roadmap for 1.5oC aligned climate action , a collaboration between Future Earth, Sitra, WWF, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, PIK, Ericsson and others, where she focused on policy and technology. She is also a co-author of the 1.5C Business Playbook, which is supported by 55+ partners from brands, enterprises, organisations and academia . Pernilla Bergmark is also active in standardization as a co-rapporteur of ITU SG5 Q9, Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, in ETSI EE, and in the Swedish national committee for cities, TC 268 (SIS TK 588) and environmental management (SIS TK 207). Lately, she has contributed to the development of the ICT sectoral decarbonization approach developed by ITU/GSMA/GESI for the SBTi, and to the Guidance and criteria for ICT organisations on setting Net Zero targets and strategies, as well as to the UNFCCC Climate Action Pathway for ICT & Mobile.
Victoria Yolanda Rivera Chale (English Version)
Director of Solid Waste Management Instruments, Ministry of the Environment of Peru
Geographical Engineer, graduated from the Master in Environmental Sciences, specialized in environmental management, solid waste management, and environmental law, with training courses in circular economy. With more than 14 years of work experience in environmental issues, highlighting the implementation of extended producer responsibility in Peruvian regulations for electronical waste, as well as the development of technical-regulatory instruments that promote the prevention of solid waste generation, as well as its recovery, in order to contribute to the transition towards a circular economy. Likewise, he has experience in environmental management of the industrial sector and internal trade. Currently, she is in charge of the Directorate of Solid Waste Management Instruments of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru. Also, representative of Peru in various working groups in the international arena, linked to the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, plastic waste and hazardous waste, within the framework of the United Nations Environment Program and the Convention of Basel.
(Spanish Version)
Directora de Instrumentos de Gestión de Residuos Sólidos, Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú
Ingeniera geógrafa con Maestría en ciencias ambientales. También cuenta con especialización en gestión ambiental, gestión integral de residuos sólidos y derecho ambiental, y cursos de capacitación en economía circular.Con 14 años de experiencia laboral en temas ambientales, resaltando la implementación de la responsabilidad extendida del productor en la normativa peruana, así como el desarrollo de instrumentos técnicos-normativos que promueven la prevención de la generación de los residuos sólidos, así como su valorización, con la finalidad de contribuir con el tránsito hacia una economía circular. Asimismo, cuenta con experiencia en gestión ambiental del sector industrial y de comercio interno. Actualmente, se encuentra encargada de la Dirección de Instrumentos de Gestión de Residuos Sólidos del Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú. Asimismo, es representante del Perú en diversos grupos de trabajo del ámbito internacional, vinculados a la gestión de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, residuos plásticos y residuos peligrosos, en el marco del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y del Convenio de Basilea.
Niccolò Comini 
Digital Development Specialist, Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank Group
Niccolò Comini is a Digital Development Specialist with the Digital Development Global Practice at the World Bank Group. He focuses on competition and regulatory issues in the ICT and digital industries in emerging countries. Examples of projects include advising governments on 5G network deployment, data infrastructure, and digital platforms businesses. Prior to joining the World Bank Group, he worked at the OECD in Mexico City and Paris as a competition expert authoring several publications. Before that he worked in the Chief Economist’s Department of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and in the Economic Consulting team of Deloitte in London. Niccolò is fluent in Italian, English and Spanish. He holds a MSc in Competition and Market Regulation from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and a M.A. in Law and Economics from the University of Bologna.
Luis Roberto Chacón (English Version)
Coordinator of the PREAL Project, Costa Rica
A chemical engineer and MBA, he has worked for more than 30 years as a project manager and leader of engineering teams in technology and financing in the fields of energy, agribusiness, urban development, waste management, environmental mitigation, climate change and sustainable development, achieving more than 90 projects in more than 11 countries in the region, supporting Multilaterals and cooperation agencies such as UNEP, UNIDO, GEF, OLADE, ECLAC (CEPAL), IIC, IDB, CABEI, KfW, CIDA, GIZ, Hivos and CATIE; as well as government agencies and companies such as Bridgestone and FEMSA. He is currently the National Coordinator of the Latin American Electronic Waste Project, PREAL, to strengthen the proper management of WEEE in Costa Rica.
(Spanish Version)
Coordinador del Proyecto PREAL, Costa Rica
Ingeniero químico y MBA, ha trabajado por más de 30 años como gerente de proyectos y líder de equipos de ingeniería en tecnología y financiamiento en los campos de la energía, los agro-negocios, el desarrollo urbano, la gestión de residuos, la mitigación al cambio climático y el desarrollo sostenible, logrando más de 90 proyectos en más de 11 países de la región, apoyando a Multilaterales y agencias de cooperación como UNEP, UNIDO, GEF, OLADE, ECLAC (CEPAL), IIC, IDB, BCIE, KfW, CIDA, GIZ, Hivos y CATIE; así como agencias de Gobierno y compañías como Bridgestone y FEMSA. Actualmente es el Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto de Residuos Electrónicos de América Latina, PREAL, para el fortalecimiento del manejo adecuado de los RAEE en Costa Rica. |
Alfredo Cueva Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO
Alfredo Cueva works as Industrial Development Officer at UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization since 2011. He holds a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and brings over 36 years of professional experience, with advanced knowledge of environmental policy and management; project and program design and management; and institutional capacity development. Alfredo is responsible for preparing and implementing UNIDO-GEF Projects for the elimination of persistent organic pollutants in Latin America and the Caribbean, covering 23 countries. One of these is PREAL, the Project for Management of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment in 13 countries of Latin America. Prior to joining UNIDO, he held posts in public, private and non-governmental organizations in Ecuador and in the United States of America. Among these: Technical Undersecretary of Water Resources; Environmental Advisor to the Minister of Non-Renewable Natural Resources; Program Director for "Environmentally Sound Management of Industrial Chemicals and Wastes in Ecuador"; Senior Environmental Engineer and Director of Business Development in LAC at Alpha-Gamma Technologies; Senior Partner and Technical Director at INYPCA Consulting; and, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the National Polytechnic School and at the University San Francisco in Quito.
Leila Devia Director, Basel Convention Regional Centre for South America
Lawyer, specialist in the legal regime of natural resources from the UBA, doctor in legal sciences from the Universidad del Salvador; she has done postdoctoral studies at the UBA. Currently, she is an undergraduate and graduate professor of Environmental Law at the UBA, at the Universities of Belgrano, UADE, USAL, UNSAM, ITBA, UCEMA; professor of the Doctorate of the UBA and the USAL; Associate Professor at the University of Belgrano; Visiting Professor at the University of Toulouse and Paris X University. She completed postgraduate studies in the United States, Japan and the Netherlands; and Head of the Legal Regime of Natural Resources of the Franco Argentina career of the University of Salvador. She is also the Director of the Regional Center for Training and Technology Transfer dependent on the BASEL Agreement and coordinator of Environmental Regulations of the National Institute of Industrial Technology. She is the author of numerous publications including: Climate Change (an Argentine look in relation to international trade and forest management), co-author of The paper mills in question and coordinator of the book MERCOSUR and the Environment. She is also an expert reviewer for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Kattya Elizondo (English Version) Consultant, ITU
Chemical Engineer, graduated from the University of Costa Rica. She has a master's degree in Environmental Management and Audits from the International Ibero-American University of Puerto Rico. She has two specializations in Environmental Engineering, one with an emphasis on energy recovery from waste and the other on waste treatment. National consultant in projects led by the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica such as the project Diagnosis and Inventory of hazardous waste in Costa Rica to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) in cooperation with the Regional Center of the Stockholm Convention for Latin America and the Caribbean. Preparation of the Technical Cooperation Document of the Technological Node for Regional Competitiveness proposal: Value Chain for the Integral Management of Solid Waste in three Central American countries and the project Preparation of the Strategic Sector Plan (PES) in Solid Waste: Phase 1: Note policy - Diagnosis and perspectives, Costa Rica, both for the Inter-American Development Bank.
(Spanish Version)
Consultora, UIT
Ingeniera química, graduada de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Cuenta con una maestría en Gestión y Auditorías Ambientales de la Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de Puerto Rico. Posee dos especializaciones en Ingeniería Ambiental, una con énfasis en valorización energética de residuos y otra en tratamiento de residuos. Consultora nacional en proyectos liderados por el Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica como el proyecto Diagnóstico e Inventario de residuos peligrosos en Costa Rica para cumplir los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en cooperación con el Centro Regional del Convenio de Estocolmo para América Latina y el Caribe. Elaboración del Documento de Cooperación Técnica de la propuesta Nodo Tecnológico para la Competitividad Regional: Cadena de Valor para la Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos en tres países de Centroamérica y el proyecto Preparación del Plan Estratégico Sectorial (PES) en Residuos Sólidos: Fase 1: Nota de política - Diagnóstico y perspectivas, Costa Rica, ambos para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. |
H.E. Mr. Sergio Federovisky (English Version) Vice minister of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
Biologist, environmental journalist. Current Vice Minister of the Environment of the Nation. He was a member of the Acumar Board of Directors. He was the host of the program “Ambiente y Medio” on Public TV, winner of two Martín Fierro for the best cultural / educational program, and winner of the 2018 Santa Clara de Asís award. President of the Fundación Ambiente y Medio. He was president of the La Plata Environmental Agency between 2009 and 2014. Author of the following books: "The new green man" (2018), "Argentina, with its back to ecology" (2014), "The myths of the environment" ( 2012), "History of the environment" (2011) and "The environment does not matter to anyone" (2007). Author and host of the documentary "Point of no return", premiered on June 5, 2021, on the impact of climate change in Argentina, which has already been selected to five international festivals and was the winner of the Argentores award for Best Screenplay at the Festival de Cinema of Water in Calafate 2021. Professor of the subject "Environment in public policy" in the master's degrees in Urban Economics and Public Policy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.
(Spanish Version)
Viceministro de Ambiente, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Argentina
Biólogo, periodista ambiental. Actual viceministro de Ambiente de la Nación. Fue miembro del Consejo Directivo de Acumar. Fue conductor del programa “Ambiente y Medio” por la TV Pública, ganador de dos Martín Fierro al mejor programa cultural/educativo, y ganador del premio Santa Clara de Asís 2018. Presidente de la Fundación Ambiente y Medio. Fue presidente de la Agencia Ambiental La Plata entre 2009 y 2014. Autor de los siguientes libros: “El nuevo hombre verde” (2018), “Argentina, de espaldas a la ecología” (2014), “Los mitos del medio ambiente” (2012), “Historia del medio ambiente” (2011) y “El medio ambiente no le importa a nadie” (2007). Autor y conductor del documental “Punto de no retorno”, estrenado el 5 de junio de 2021, sobre el impacto de cambio climático en Argentina, que ya fue seleccionado a cinco festivales internacionales y fue ganador del premio Argentores al Mejor Guión en el Festival de Cine del Agua en Calafate 2021. Profesor de la materia “Medio ambiente en la política pública” en las maestrías de Economía Urbana y Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Profesor del Posgrado en Comunicación Científica, Médica y Medioambiental de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona.
Paolo Gemma Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5, ITU, Senior Expert, Huawei
Dr. Paolo Gemma plays an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993, he has been engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) activities and he also participates in the development of EMC standards. In 1997, Dr. Gemma joined ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, climate change and circular economy as a Rapporteur and he is now the Chairman of Working Party 2 “Environment, energy efficiency and the circular economy. He has participated as speakerat several conference (for example: IEEE Intelec, ITU Green Standards Week, Ewaste conference Durban, Huawei energy summit, among others). In 2002, Paolo Gemma was appointed as the Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and as of 2009 he holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. He is also Vice-chairman of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative and the Co-chairman of Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE) at ITU. Paolo Gemma is a senior expert of Huawei Digital Power WEU product Management and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability. Paolo Gemma is a graduate in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa.
Okan Geray
Strategic Planning Advisor, Digital Dubai
Dr. Okan Geray has more than 20 years of experience in management consulting in various industries. He has consulted for several organizations in Netherlands, France, Italy, South Africa, Turkey and Dubai. He has worked in A.T. Kearney global management consulting firm for 6 years and was a member of global Telecommunications and E-business core team before he joined Dubai Government in 2002. He has worked in Dubai eGovernment, Dubai Smart Government, Smart Dubai Office and more recently in Dubai Digital Authority after its establishment. His responsibilities include Strategic Planning, Strategic Performance and Impact Management, and Policy Making. He has Co-Chaired Enhancing Innovation and Participation Working Group in United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) joint global initiative by ITU and UNECE by addressing Smart Governance, Smart Economy and Smart People aspects in smart cities. He has been designated as the Leader for “Guidelines on strategies for circular cities” and also “City Science Application Framework” deliverables during the second phase of U4SSC initiative. He is also a Co-Rapporteur for ITU Study Group 20 Question 7 regarding “Evaluation and Assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities”. He holds double major B. S. degrees in Industrial and Computer Engineering, an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph. D. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from University of Massachusetts in USA.
Guillermo González (English Version) Head of the Circular Economy Office, Ministry of the Environment, Chile
Guillermo González has been Head of the Circular Economy Office of the Ministry of the Environment since May 2018.
Guillermo is an Industrial Civil Engineer, mentioning Environmental Engineering, from the Universidad Católica de Chile. He earned a Master of Public Policy and a Master of Environmental Engineering, both from the University of California, Berkeley. He has more than 13 years of experience doing environmental consulting in both the public and private sectors and working in different civil society organizations. He has taught courses on environmental management, environmental impact assessment and circular economy at the Católica, Adolfo Ibáñez and Development universities.
(Spanish Version)
Jefe de la Oficina de Economía Circular, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Chile
Guillermo González es jefe de la Oficina de Economía Circular del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente desde mayo de 2018.
Guillermo es ingeniero Civil Industrial, mención Ingeniería Ambiental, de la Universidad Católica de Chile. Obtuvo un Master en Políticas Públicas y un Master en Ingeniería Ambiental, ambos en la Universidad de California, Berkeley. Tiene más de 13 años de experiencia realizando consultoría ambiental tanto en el sector público como privado y trabajando en distintas organizaciones de la sociedad civil. Ha impartido cursos de gestión ambiental, evaluación de impacto ambiental y economía circular en las universidades Católica, Adolfo Ibáñez y del Desarrollo.
Carlos Hernández (English Version) LAC E-Waste Project Coordinator, ONUDI – PREAL
With a degree in Chemical Engineering, Carlos has 30 years of professional experience as an environmental consultant in pollution control, cleaner production, and WEEE management. After completing his master's degree in environmental engineering, Carlos served as technical director of the Responsible Care Program on integrated management systems, environmental auditor for the Andean Development Corporation, CAF, and teacher in different areas of environmental engineering. During the last 12 years, he has been involved with the management of electronic waste, where he has been co-author of several publications and has served as director of the SRI project for the environmentally sound management of WEEE in Colombia, funded by the Swiss Government. Since 2018, he has been the regional coordinator of the project “Strengthening of National Initiatives and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation for the Environmentally Sound Management of POPs in Waste of Electronic or Electrical Equipment (WEEE) in Latin American Countries”, which is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by UNIDO in 13 countries of the region.
(Spanish Version) Coordinador del Proyecto LAC E-Waste, UNIDO– PREAL
Graduado en Ingeniería Química, Carlos tiene 30 años de experiencia profesional como consultor ambiental en control de contaminación, producción más limpia y manejo de RAEE. Luego de completar su maestría en ingeniería ambiental, Carlos se desempeñó como director técnico del Programa de Cuidado Responsable en sistemas integrados de gestión, auditor ambiental de la Corporación Andina de Fomento, CAF, y docente en diferentes áreas de la ingeniería ambiental. Durante los últimos 12 años ha estado involucrado en la gestión de residuos electrónicos, donde ha sido coautor de varias publicaciones y se ha desempeñado como director del proyecto SRI para la gestión ambientalmente racional de RAEE en Colombia, financiado por la cooperación Suiza. Desde 2018 es coordinador regional del proyecto “Fortalecimiento de iniciativas nacionales y mejora de la cooperación regional para el manejo ambientalmente racional de COP en residuos de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE) en países de América Latina”, que es financiado por la Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM) y ejecutado por ONUDI en 13 países de la región.
Pablo Hernández (English Version) Executive Director, ASEGIRE
Pablo Hernandez has been the Executive Director of ASEGIRE since December 2014, the first and largest Compliance Unit in Costa Rica. During his tenure at ASEGIRE, the Compliance Unit has been significantly strengthened, going from 18 associated companies in 2015 to 95 companies.Pablo has a Master's degree in Banking and Finance from George Mason University, Virginia, United States, and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sciences and Art. He worked professionally in the area of Global Cash Management at HSBC Bank, Comptroller for Costa Rica of APM Terminals, and advisor to the Vice Minister of the Environment of Costa Rica during the Chinchilla administration. Pablo also has a degree in Classical Guitar from Florida State University, music being one of his current fields of development. In line with his passion for the arts, Pablo is President of the Juan Santamaría Cultural Historical Museum.
(Spanish Version) Director Ejecutivo, ASEGIRE
Pablo Hernandez es el Director Ejecutivo de ASEGIRE desde diciembre de 2014, la primera y más grande Unidad de Cumplimiento de Costa Rica. Durante su gestión en ASEGIRE, la Unidad de Cumplimiento se ha fortalecido significativamente, pasando de 18 empresas asociadas en el 2015 a 95 empresas el día de hoy. Pablo es graduado con una maestría en Banca y Finanzas de la Universidad de George Mason, Virginia, Estados Unidos, y Bachiller en Leyes de la Universidad de las Ciencias y el Arte. Desempeñándose profesionalmente en el área de Global Cash Management en el Banco HSBC, Contralor para Costa Rica de APM Terminals, y asesor del Vice Ministro de Ambiente de Costa Rica durante la administración Chinchilla. Pablo también es graduado en Guitarra Clásica de la Florida State University, siendo la música uno de sus actuales campos de desarrollo. En línea con su pasión por las artes, Pablo es Presidente del Museo Histórico Cultural Juan Santamaría, labor que realiza ad honoren como contribución a la sociedad costarricense, de la cual ha recibido tanto.
Bilel Jamoussi Chief of Study Group Department, TSB, ITU
Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
George Kamiya Energy Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency
George coordinates the IEA’s work on tracking clean energy progress and leads the agency’s analysis on the energy and climate impacts of digitalisation. He was a lead author of the 2017 Digitalization & Energy report and has contributed to the agency’s work on a range of emerging issues, including new mobility, electricity security, and critical minerals.
Barbara Kolm
Director, Austrian Economics Center & Vice President, Austrian National Bank
Dr. Barbara Kolm, Vice President of the Austrian Central Bank, Director of the Austrian Economics Center (#1 Independent Think Tank in Austria and #21 in the world), Professor of Austrian Economics at the University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro, and serves on several supervisory boards Vienna Insurance Group, Supervisory Board of Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. She was appointed Vice-Chair of the UN ITU Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (AI4EE) and Chair of the Thematic Group on the United for Smart Sustainable City Index. She has given numerous talks on the most pressing economic issues of our time, such as the geopolitical challenges posed by a rising China and the need for serious economic reforms to the bloated welfare states in Europe. She has successfully managed private enterprises and non-profit organizations, and has been engaged in other entrepreneurial activities, for instance building the Austrian Economics Center from scratch to being the leading think tank in Austria within 12 years. Additionally, she is the founder and organizer of the Free Market Road Show, a forum for discussions and the exchange of ideas, in co-operation with over 100 leading think tanks and universities.
Agata Krause Head of 2030 Agenda and International Relations, Centre for Sustainable Development of Trondheim Kommune
Dr Agata Krause is the Head of the 2030 Agenda and International Relations in the Centre for Sustainable Development of Trondheim Kommune, the Geneva UN Charter Centre of Excellence on SDG City Transitions. She works at the local/global interface, developing and scaling-up innovative approaches to SDG implementation in Norway and beyond. She is a trained urban planner and holds a PhD for her research on policy transfer and sustainability assessment at Cardiff University. Previously she worked as an adviser to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Geneva, evaluating smartness and sustainability of cities; a policy adviser in Eurocities and as a research coordinator for Housing Europe in Brussels.
Carlos Martin-Novella (English Version) Deputy Executive Secretary, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Carlos Martin-Novella is the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions since January 1, 2017. He has a Bachelor of Biological Sciences (Master) from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Carlos has more than 35 years of professional experience in the area of environment and sustainable development, both nationally and internationally, as well as in relation to negotiations and multilateral processes. Throughout his professional career, Carlos has also served as Deputy Secretary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Special Advisor on Multilateral Environmental Agreements of the United Nations Environment Program, Senior Advisor to the German Government, Senior Advisor of the Spanish Government and Principal Administrator in the European Commission. Early in his career, Carlos conducted scientific field research on the ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems and led national, European and global initiatives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
(Spanish Version)
Subdirector Ejecutivo, Convenios de Basilea, Rotterdam y Estocolmo
Carlos Martin-Novella es el Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de los Convenios de Basilea, Rotterdam y Estocolmo desde el 1 de enero de 2017. Es Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas (Maestría) por la Universidad Complutense deMadrid (España). Carlos cuenta con más de 35 años de experiencia profesional en el área de medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, así como en lo relativo a negociaciones y procesos multilaterales. A lo largo de su carrera profesional Carlos ha desempeñado también las funciones deSecretario Adjunto del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), Asesor Especial sobre Acuerdos Ambientales Multilaterales del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, Asesor Principal del Gobierno Alemán, Asesor Principal del Gobierno Español y Administrador Principal en la Comisión Europea. Al inicio de su carrera, Carlos realizó investigaciones científicas de campo sobre la ecología de deecosistemas mediterráneos y lideró iniciativas nacionales, Europeas y globales para la conservación y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. |
Ana Yensi Murillo (English Version)
Environmental Engineer, Intel | Costa Rican Union of Private Business Chambers (UCCAEP)
Experience in Management of corporate programs of industrial, domestic, storm and underground water treatment systems, Management of Hazardous, ordinary and WEEE Waste, Refrigerant Management, energy efficiency, conservation projects, sustainability programs, risk analysis and data management and indicators. Experience in the implementation and auditing of Comprehensive Management Systems in ISO 140001/45001/9001/50001 Standards. Active participation in groups for the analysis of regulations, proposals and an active member of CEGIRE representing the private sector (UCCAEP) for 10 years.
(Spanish Version)
Ingeniera Ambiental, Intel | Unión Costarricenses de Cámaras Empresariales Privadas (UCCAEP)
Experiencia en Manejo de programas corporativos de Sistemas tratamiento de aguas industrials, domésticas, pluviales y subterráneas, Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos, ordinarios y RAEE, Manejo de Refrigerantes, eficiinaci energetica, proyectos de conservación, programas de sostenibilidad, analisis de riesgos y Manejo de datos e indicadores. Experiencia en la implementación y audtoría de Sistemas de Gestión Integral en las Normas ISO 140001/45001/9001/50001. Participación activa en grupos de análisis de regulaciones, propuestas y miembro activo del CEGIRE representando al sector privado (UCCAEP) desde hace 10 años.
Leandro Navarro Co-Rapporteur Question 7/5: E-waste, circular economy and sustainable supply chain management, ITU-T, ITU Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC.EDU). PhD in telecommunications from the UPC in 1992. Director of the distributed systems group at the UPC. Co-Chair of the GAIA Internet Research Task Force ( Global Internet Access for All. Co-Rapporteur of the ITU-T Q7 / SG5 of UIT-T: e-waste, circular economy and sustainable supply chain management. Member of the board of trustees of the Foundation. President of the Board of Directors of the Association for Progress of Communications. Member of the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT) of Spain.
Daniel Salas Peraza Minister, Ministry of Health, Costa Rica
Dr Daniel Salas Peraza has a vast experience in the public sector. He held the position of director a.i of the Directorate of Health Surveillance. He was coordinator of the Surveillance of non-communicable diseases and has held management positions at the Centers for Education and Nutrition and Children's Centers for Comprehensive Development (CEN and CINAI). He was also the national coordinator of the Expanded Program on Immunizations, the Surveillance of Immunopreventable Diseases, the Surveillance of Pesticide Poisoning and the Commission for Preparedness for an Influenza Pandemic. He also held the position of Technical Secretary of the National Vaccination Commission. Director a.i. of the City of Quesada Health Governing Area, and the Aguas Zarcas Health Governing Area, member of the Strategic Health Development Unit at the Regional level and official of the City of Quesada Health Governing Area.
Berenice Quiroz (English Version) Director of Chemical Substances, Residues and Waste of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE), Ecuador
Berenice Quiroz, is a Pharmaceutical and Food Biochemist with a Master in Quality Management Systems; she has more than 15 years of experience in the field of environmental management and public health. She currently holds the position of Director of Chemical Substances and Hazardous, Non-Hazardous and Special Waste and Waste, within the Undersecretariat of Environmental Quality, of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, previously she has been the technical coordinator of this same area for a span of 6 years. She has promoted the creation of projects through international cooperation in which the following stand out: National Program for the Management of Chemical Substances; National Plan of Action on the use of Mercury in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ecuador.
(Spanish Version)
Directora de Sustancias Químicas, Residuos y Desechos del Ministerio de Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica (MAATE), Ecuador
Berenice Quiroz, es Bioquímica Farmacéutica y Alimentos con un Master en Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad; cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia en el ámbito de la gestión ambiental y de la salud pública. Actualmente ocupa el cargo de Directora de Sustancias Químicas y Residuos y Desechos Peligrosos, No Peligrosos y Especiales, dentro de la Subsecretaría de Calidad Ambiental, del Ministerio de Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica, previamente ha sido la Coordinadora técnica de esta misma área por un lapso de 6 años. Ha promovido la creación de proyectos a través de la cooperación internacional en los que destacan: Programa Nacional para Gestión de Sustancias Químicas; Plan Nacional de Acción sobre el uso de Mercurio en la Minería Artesanal y de Pequeña Escala de oro en el Ecuador. |
Andrés Sastre Director, Institute for Digital Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (IDD LAC)
Andrés Sastre is one of the co-directors of IDD LAC. He has a Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master's Degree in Latin American Economics from the University of Salamanca. He is also an expert advisor on telecommunications regulation and Internet governance. He has had a constant activity related to Internet governance processes, actively participating in the global IGF as part of the Internet Governance Forum for Latin America (LACIGF) leadership. He has also had active participation within the eLAC strategy, the digital agenda for Latin America, coordinated by ECLAC, as a private sector representative. He has coordinated the “Ibero-American Meeting of Digital Cities” and co-organized the ITU “Green Standard Week” in its editions in Latin America. Both events are dedicated to promoting digitalization and the sustainable growth of Latin American cities and towns.
Romanas Savickas Senior Advisor, UNEP
Dr. Romanas Savickas has an exceptional more than 25 year intercontinental experience in Private, Public & Academia sectors, developing and managing Energy Efficiency and Climate Mitigation projects by utilising District Heating, District Cooling, Renewable Buildings Efficiency, Digitalisation, Hydrogen and other technologies. Romanas Savickas works very close with National / Local Governments to increase Energy Efficiency and reduce GHG emissions, creates, engage and coordinate Public-Private-Academia Stakeholders groups, also provides capacity building, training and other direct support as masterplanning, heating and cooling planning, identification of potential policy opportunities, including technical and financial estimates, development of long term Energy strategy, development of Technical-Financial Feasibility Studies, Innovative Business Models, Legal/Regulatory/Policy, Socio-economic assessments, and managing complicated projects of 20-250 mln.
Olga Segura (English Version) Integral Waste Management Planning Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Costa Rica
She has worked for more than 25 years in the public sector as an educator, promoter of community organizations, promoting citizen participation in decision-making in their communities and generating environmental policies, plans, projects and strategies on: Ordinary waste, plastics, electronic and electrical, marine, organic, among others. She currently works in the Directorate of Radiation Protection and Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica. She has served as:
Promoter and advisor of Community Development Association. / Teacher in Secondary Education.
Teacher and Administrative in Private Higher Education. / Epidemiologist and Health Researcher.
- Coordinator of intersectoral teams for Comprehensive Waste Management: Consultative Platform, Electronic Waste Executive Committee (CEGIRE); NAMA Residuos, Alliance for Recycling; among others.
- Technical Advisor to community groups and micro, small and medium-sized companies in environmental matters with an emphasis on Comprehensive waste management.
She has a postgraduate degree in Field Epidemiologist. Graduated from Master of Project Management. / Graduated from Doctorate in Educational Research.
(Spanish Version) Geógrafa, Coordinadora Planificación Gestión Integral de Residuos, Coordinadora Comité Ejecutivo Gestión Integral Residuos Electrónicos (CEGIRE)
Ha laborado por más de 25 años en el sector público como educadora, promotora de organizaciones comunales, promoviendo la participación ciudadana en la toma de decisiones de sus comunidades y generando políticas, planes, proyectos y estrategias en materia ambiental sobre: Residuos ordinarios, plásticos, electrónicos y eléctricos, marinos, orgánicos, entre otros. Actualmente labora en la Dirección de Protección Radiológica y Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica.
Se ha desempeñado como:
Promotora y asesora de Asociaciones de Desarrollo Comunal. / Docente en Educación Media.
Docente y Administrativa en Educación Superior Privada. / Epidemióloga e Investigadora en temas de Salud.
- Coordinadora de equipos intersectoriales para la Gestión Integral de Residuos: Plataforma Consultiva, Comité Ejecutivo Residuos Electrónicos (CEGIRE); NAMA Residuos, Alianza para el Reciclaje; entre otros.
- Asesora Técnica de grupos comunitarios y de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en materia ambiental con énfasis en gestión Integral de residuos.
Preparación Académica:
Postgrado en Epidemióloga de Campo./ Egresada de Maestría de Gerencia de Proyectos. / Egresada de Doctorado en Investigación Educativa.
Stephan Sicars Managing Director, Directorate of Environment and Energy, UNIDO
After a year at the National Research Council Canada, he worked for, and then managed, the Research Centre for Refrigeration and Heat Pumps in Germany. Later, he headed his own consultancy undertaking research for international industries, NGOs and governments. He implemented projects in India and China, and was part of delegations to the Montreal Protocol and its Multilateral Fund. He served as a technical expert on several international panels. In 2004, he started work in the United Nations as Senior Programme Officer with the Multilateral Fund. Joining UNIDO in 2014, he became Director of the Department of Environment in 2015. In that role, he focused the department on reduction of emissions of Greenhouse Gases and of industrial pollution, and on circular economy. Since June 2020, he has been Managing Director of the Directorate of Environment and Energy in UNIDO. He was recognized for his contribution, as coordinating lead author for IPCC, to the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, and has received an US-EPA Ozone Award. Mr. Sicars holds the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hanover, Germany.
Chris Slijkhuis Board Member, EERA (European Electronics Recyclers Association)
After completing a Master of Business Administration program in the 80’s, Chris Slijkhuis worked on a number of start-ups in Central and Eastern European region in the 90’s (Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary) and he was Regional General Manager for an international group of companies. He joined the fast-growing Electronics Manufacturing Services company Flextronics (now Flex) in 2000, as Director Supply Chain Management in European HQ in Vienna and developed and implemented new supply chain concepts. In this role he also worked on the development of new reverse logistics concepts for WEEE when the WEEE directive was introduced in 2004. He joined MBA Polymers (in which Flextronics was one of the shareholders at that time) in 2005 to develop the Global Sourcing and Supply Chain function for this E-Waste plastics recycling company. In 2012 Chris Slijkhuis joined the Müller-Guttenbrunn Group, the Joint-Venture partner of MBA Polymers in Austria, where his activities are related to Public Affairs and E-Waste Recycling. MBA Polymers Austria became fully owned subsidiary of the Müller-Guttenbrunn Group in 2017 and MBA Polymers Austria was re-branded into MGG Polymers in the beginning of 2018. Chris Slijkhuis was General Manager of MGG Polymers, from which function he retired in May 2021, but he is still working on several projects for MGG Polymers. Chris is board member of the European Electronics Recyclers Association EERA in which association he is the spokesperson and expert for the E-Waste plastics recycling and transboundary waste shipments. Chris is also a member of the StEP network.
Massamba Thioye Manager, Regulatory Framework Implementation subdivision, Mitigation division, UNFCCC secretariat
Massamba Thioye is Manager in the Mitigation division of the UNFCCC secretariat and is leading the development of (i) incentive mechanisms for climate action and (ii) regulations pertaining to measurement of climate outcomes. He is also overseeing the support to enhanced climate action by the financial sector as well as increased access to low capital cost for clean investment in developing countries. As co-Chair of the Climate Chain Coalition, a coalition of more than 100 organizations and member of the Advisory Board of INATBA (International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications), he is working on use cases of DLTs to climate and sustainability action. He is also co-chairing the development of ISO 14097 “Framework and principles for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities related to climate change”. Within the UNFCCC secretariat, Massamba Thioye is leading the work on the application of disruptive technologies to climate and sustainability actions. Massamba graduated process engineer and has a Ph.D. on energy systems. He published several articles in technical peer-reviewed journals and was awarded “Best scientist in Senegal” by the Senegalese President in 1997.
Carlos Thompson (English Version) Director, Center for Pollutant Studies and Control, Honduras
Responsible for fulfilling the mission of CESCCO carrying out our work of Control of Environmental Pollution, in the different Environmental matrices as a scientific-Technical entity of Honduras, through environmental monitoring and management of chemical substances, provision of laboratory services, responsible for the different registries such as PRTR, PCBs, Mercury, Fixed Sources, Wastewater Discharges among others and the development of research and studies on environmental issues with the purpose of strengthening environmental management in Honduras.National Focal Point of the International Strategic Approach to the Management of Chemicals, of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements and their Elimination, Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure Applicable to Certain Pesticides and Hazardous Chemicals Object of International Trade, Minamata Convention on Mercury and the Protocol on Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution of the Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment in the Greater Caribbean Region.National coordinator of the PREAL Project in Honduras.
(Spanish Version)
Director, Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes, Honduras
Responsable de cumplir la misión de CESCCO desempeñando nuestra labor del Control de la Contaminación Ambiental, en las diferentes matrices Ambientales como ente científico-Técnico de Honduras, a través de la vigilancia ambiental y gestión de sustancias químicas, prestación de servicios laboratoriales, responsable de los diferentes registros como RETC, PCBs, Mercurio, Fuentes Fijas, Descargas de Aguas Residuales entre otros y el desarrollo de investigaciones y estudios en temáticas ambientales con el propósito de fortalecer la gestión ambiental en Honduras. Punto Focal Nacional del Enfoque Estratégico Internacional para la Gestión de Productos Químicos, del Convenio de Estocolmo sobre Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes, Convenio de Basilea sobre el Control de los Movimientos Transfronterizos y su Eliminación, Convenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo Aplicable a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio Internacional, Convenio de Minamata sobre el Mercurio y del Protocolo de Fuentes Terrestres de Contaminación Marina del Convención de Cartagena para la Protección y Desarrollo del Medio Marino en la Región del Gran Caribe. Coordinador nacional del Proyecto PREAL en Honduras.
Herve Tourpe
Chief Digital Advisor, IMF
He leads a team of digital experts in transformative technologies relevant to IMF’s Member Countries, such as Fintech, AI, Blockchain, Big Data, cloud and the related cyber risks. A passionate “techno-realist”, he strives to provide unbiased and cross-country expertise on technology trends, opportunities and risks, especially for emerging and low-income countries. Mr. Tourpe is an expert in national digital strategies, with a particular focus on financial inclusion, sustainable development, digital payment and Central Bank Digital Currencies. Formerly Chief Enterprise Architect, Mr. Tourpe has a strong background in IT strategy, technology innovation and User Experience (UX).
Reyna Úbeda Project Officer, ITU
Reyna Úbeda studied Industrial Engineering and she completed a Master on International Management from the University for Economics and Environment Nürtingen- Geislingen in 2014. She joined the ITU’s Standardization Bureau in 2015. She is the Advisor of ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy. Reyna speaks English, Spanish and German. |
Victoria Rudin-Vega Director, Central American Association for the Economy, Health and the Environment (ACEPESA)
Director of the Central American Association for the Economy, Health and the Environment (ACEPESA). She has 28 years of experience in executing comprehensive solid waste management projects, including research, technical assistance, and capacity building with various social stakeholders in the Central American region. She has promoted and participated in various intersectoral platforms for the formulation and implementation of policies and regulations. From 2003 to 2009, she coordinated an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary team that promoted the development of electronic waste management in Costa Rica, including the associated regulations. She is currently a member of the National Executive Committee for the comprehensive management of e-waste.
Marina Williams Sustainable Reporting Specialist, Millicom, Tigo
Marina Williams has over 17 years of professional experience working in the corporate sustainability field. She is currently responsible for sustainability and ESG reporting at Millicom, where she also leads the company’s initiatives on climate change. She began her career working in sustainability business services at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Argentina, where she supported some of the country’s largest corporations in their first steps in sustainability reporting and an integrated view of sustainability. She later joined Walmart, where she inaugurated the company’s local sustainability initiatives in Argentina. After relocating to Miami in 2011, she worked with Walmart’s global sustainability team on efforts to set public renewable energy targets. She joined Millicom in 2017 and has since been responsible for engaging with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders, including investors, rating agencies, government authorities, industry groups and competitors. She is currently leading Millicom´s efforts to set emissions reduction targets and shape a comprehensive climate strategy in line with the Paris Agreement and the TCFD framework. Marina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a Specialization in Nonprofit Organizations, and a Master’s degree in Ecopsychology and Environmental Humanities.
H.E. Teodoro Willink Vice-Minister of Telecommunications, Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunication (MICITT), Costa Rica
Teodoro Willink Castro holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Telecommunications Networks from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Communications Systems from the University of Costa Rica and a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Costa Rica. In addition, at the School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Costa Rica, he served as Director of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, coordinator of the Telecommunications Laboratory, professor of baccalaureate, undergraduate and master's courses on electronics and telecommunications, coordinator of the project of Multiversa Spaces teaching, collaborator of the Tropicalization of technology communal work project, coordinator of the Electrizarte cultural extension project, director of final projects for undergraduate graduation and interim professor of high school courses. In addition, he was the Coordinator of the Osa-Golfo Dulce PiOsa Institutional Program of the Vice-rectory of Social Action, University of Costa Rica.