08:00 - 09:00 | Registration |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Opening Remarks
Moderator: Zhiqin Wang, Vice President, CAICT
Chaesub Lee, Director,TSB, ITU [ Biography ]
- Maicun Deng, Secretary General, China Academy of Science (CAS)
- Shujian Fan, Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
- Guohua Xi, Chairman, China Communications Standard Association
09:30 - 10:00 |
Keynote Presentation- "Quantum Leap: From Test of Quantum Foundations to New Technologies", Jianwei Pan, Professor, University of Science and
Technology of China (USTC) [ Presentation ]
10:00 - 10:15 | Coffee Break |
10:15 - 12:00 | Session 1: World tour of Quantum Information Technology Development Quantum information technology (QIT) is a class of emerging technology that improves the information processing capability by harnessing principles of quantum mechanics. Research and applications of QIT are accelerating globally, which have become focus not only in academia, but also in industry and standardization communities. This session will provide an overview on global QIT developments, including policy and investment, projects and planning, major research institutions and teams, representative research and application progress, and future development prospects.
Moderator: Reinhard Scholl, Deputy Director, TSB, ITU
- "The European quantum technology FET flagship", Hannes Huebel, Researcher, Austria Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria [ Biography I Abstract I Presentation ]
- "Quantum communication network activities across Canada", Barry Sanders, Director, Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary [ Biography I Presentation ]
- "Quantum communication in Russia: status and perspective", Vladimir Egorov, Senior Researcher, Quanttelecom LLC, Russia
[ Biography | Abstract I Presentation ] - "Activities on Quantum Information Technology in Japan", Akihisa Tomita, Professor, Ho kkaido University, Japan [ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- "Quantum industry and policy development of South Korea", Seong Su Park, Principal Researcher, ETRI
[ Biography I Abstract I Presentation ] - "Quantum information technology development in China", Yuao Chen, Professor, USTC [ Biography I Presentation ]
- "The Quantum Future, Innovation and Community", Oday Darwich, R&D Innovation Engineer, University of Geneva / CERN [ Biography I Abstract I Presentation ]
12:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session 2: Quantum Computing Quantum computer is believed to have computing power that is significantly beyond the classical computer, with potential applications such as optimization over huge data sets and design of new materials and molecular functions. The computational power brought by quantum computing will not only improve the performance of signal processing, but also become a threat to security of existing ICT networks. This session will introduce the latest research and developments of quantum computing technology, the information security threats brought by quantum computing and possible solutions to these problems.
Session 2A: Frontier Research of Quantum Computing
Moderator: Xiaoming Sun, Professor, ICT/CAS (China) - "Toward quantum supremacy with photons”, Chaoyang Lu, Professor, USTC [ Biography I Abstract ]
- "Superconducting quantum computing", Xiaobo Zhu, Professor, USTC [ Biography I Presentation ]
- "Some applications of quantum information theory in interative quantum communication", Penghui Yao, Associate Professor, Nanjing University [ Biography I Abstract I Presentation ]
- "Spatial bin qutrits: a potential candidate for higher dimensional quantum computing", Urbasi Sinha, Associate Professor, Raman Research Institute, India [ Biography I Abstract ]
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 18:00 | Session 2B: Quantum Computing Industry Perspective Moderator: Oday Darwich, Innovation Engineer, University of Geneva/CERN IdeaSquare
- "Quantum Computing for the near future", Man-Hong Yung, Chief Scientist, Huawei Quantum Computing Software and Algorithm [ Biography I Abstract I Presentation ]
- "Success in the age of quantum computing", Jonathan Allcock, Senior Researcher, Tencent Quantum Laboratory [ Biography ]
- "Introduction to Baidu quantum program", Shuming Cheng, Research Fellow, Institute of Quamtum Computing, Baidu Research
[ Biography I Presentation ] - "Challenges and opportunities in practical near-term quantum computers", Christopher Savoie, CEO, Zapata Computing
[ Biography I Presentation ] - "Opportunities at the intersection of quantum computation and quantum communication", Joseph Fitzimons, CEO, Horizon Quantum Computing, Singapore [ Biography I Presentation ]
- "ISO/IEC JTC 1 Quantum Computing Standardization Progress", Hong Yang, ISO/IEC JTC 1 SG2 [ Biography | Abstract I Presentation ]