ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Online workshop on the GE84 Plan optimization for African countries


This workshop is a preparation to the GE84 Plan Optimization project for Africa,  which purpose is to achieve an efficient use of the 87.5-108 MHz (FM) band for analogue sound broadcasting and to identify additional frequencies to FM broadcasting to meet the increasing need for additional frequencies in African countries.

According to the original Work Plan, the GE84 optimization should be accomplished via a series of physical multilateral frequency coordination meetings. Such meetings include training in using the compatibility software developed by the BR, agreement on the optimization approach and criteria, as well as multilateral coordination and frequency planning. However, in view of the global concern about the COVID-19 outbreak and the current restrictions imposed by many countries of the world on meetings and travel that prevent from having physical coordination meetings for an unknown period, the BR, in collaboration with ITU African Regional office and ATU, has decided to start with 3-day online workshops (3 hours per day) for the Coordination Groups (CGs), as indicated below and in Annex 1 to the invitation letter during September - October 2020.

​The 1st frequency coordination meeting on the GE84 Plan Optimization took place, virtually, from 15 to 19 February 2021 and, in order to facilitate the discussions and coordination process, agreed to invite the non-African neighbouring administrations to the 2nd and 3rd frequency coordination meetings.
Therefore, and in preparation for the 2nd frequency coordination meeting planned in June/July 2021, BR and ATU are inviting your administration to participate in the 2nd series of the above-mentioned workshop that will take place, virtually, from 19-21 April 2021. This workshop is open to all African administrations as well as to the neighbouring non-African administrations:

  • English: 19-21 April 2021
  • French:  21-23 April 2021

Practical session Groups

Preliminary Program


Time (Geneva Time)19 April 20 April21 April

General presentations:

- Brief presentation on GE84 optimization project and workshop web pages

- Opening remarks and keynotes by ITU and ATU (11:00)

GE84 calculations in eTools

(GE84 Optimization and GE84 Compatibility Analyses)

- Live demo on a case study: notice creation, modification of the data elements, file submission and Compatibility analysis results 


Breakout Groups

Practical and individual examples - continued



12:00– 13:30

GE84 Plan procedures

(Articles 4 and 7)

eBroadcasting platform:

- eQuery, ePub, eTools and myAdmin

- ITU-R P.1812 and P.1546 propagation prediction calculations in eTools

- Live demo on how to extract a GE84 Plan Entry and generate an e-notice File  

Breakout Groups

-Detailed demo of a case: From notice generation to results analysis

-Administrations to create their own examples, or work on requirements files.

- Run individual iterations

Q&A and Wrap-up


Relating material and presentations

Meeting recordings