ITU's 160 anniversary

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Evolution of Fixed Service in Backhaul support of IMT 2020 / 5G, Geneva, ITU Room A, 29 April 2019, 15:30-18:30


​​Workshop on Evolution of Fixed Service in Backhaul support of IMT 2020 / 5G 
Geneva, 29 April 2019, 15:30-18:30​



​​​This workshop addresses the evolution of Fixed Service to support high capacity needs (such as Backhaul) of IMT 2020 / 5G. Additional FS applications, such as the HAPS, may also have the possibility to carry high capacity traffic. These subjects will be discussed at the workshop.​​ ​


Bac​khaul for I​MT 2020 /​​ 5G Wireless, Requirements and solutions – by ETSI ISG mWT Chairman​ 

Overview of micro​​wave and millimeter-wave deployment  ​

​​Analysis of the 5G Requirements for Wireless Backhaul/X-haul, solutions and implications 


​​Microwave and millimeter-wave FS regulations and standards overview and update – by CEPT SE19 /ITU-R WP 5C​ chair​ 

Introduction of the recently updates on microwave and millimeter-wave spectrum work, e.g., 112/224MHz channel arrangement in traditional band, W/D-band 


​​Microwave and millimeter-wave technology overview and evolution – by a Vendor ​

​​Techn​ology evolution trends at system (antenna, Band Aggregation, ...), radio (LoS MIMO, CA,…) and signal processing (interference mitigation, ...) level 


​​Operator’s view on frequency use related challenges for microwave and millimeter-wave in IMT 2020/ 5G backhaul/X-Haul – by an operator ​

Harmonization across European countries and other regions 
​​5G requirements:​

​The role of spectrum license models in enabling and facilitating innovative BH approaches (MIMO, XPIC, BCA …..) 

​Impact of spectrum license fees on TCO 


​Panel discussion: Economics on deployment and operational aspects of microwave and millimeter-wave technology in IMT 2020 / 5G mobile backhaul/X-Haul network


Any Other Business​


Each presentation is 20 min​utes + 5 Q&A​

Panel 20 Minutes​

Convenor: Pietro Nava (​)

Presentations complete version ​​​