1. Background
Following the IMT-2020 developing process “Submission/Reception of the RIT and SRIT proposals and acknowledgement of receipt” in accordance with Document
IMT-2020/2(Rev.2), ITU-R Working Party (WP) 5D started the evaluation process for Independent Evaluation Groups (IEGs) as of its 31st meeting in Oct. 2018, in conjunction with the ongoing IMT-2020 development under Step 3 and Step 4 of the IMT-2020 process.
Working Party 5D has received, at its July 2019 meeting, several candidate technology submissions for IMT-2020 from six proponents, under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 developing process.
WP 5D will hold a workshop on IMT-2020, focusing on the evaluation of the candidate terrestrial radio interfaces at its 33rd meeting taking place December 2019 in Geneva, at which interim evaluation reports are expected. This will help the IEGs understand the details of the proposed candidate technologies, and interact amongst themselves as well as other WP 5D participants. This workshop is a continuation of the previous one on IMT-2020 held in 2017, Munich, which addressed the process, requirements, and evaluation criteria for IMT-2020 as well as views from proponents on the developments of IMT-2020 radio interfaces and activities of the IEGs.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the workshop are as follows;
- to promote information sharing on IMT-2020;
- to facilitate dialogue within ITU-R WP 5D and amongst the proponents as well as the evaluation groups; and in particular;