ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Orbit/Spectrum Resource, Bali, Indonesia > Programme

TUESDAY, 6 September 2016

09:00 Opening Session
ITU Welcome Remarks

Yvon Henri (ITU)
09:30 Coffee Break

10:00Session 1: Implementation of WRC-15 Decisions
Challenges and opportunities, improvements to regulatory framework, lessons learned, WRC-2019 & Future 5G Ecosystems With Terrestrial Wireless and Satellites Wireless

Hon Fai Ng (ITU) - PDF
Ting Ling Lee (SES) - BIO ¦ PDF
Vicky Wong (Asiasat) - BIO ¦ PDF
Laura Roberti (Inmarsat) - BIO ¦ PDF
Ethan Lavan (GVF) - PDF
12:00 Session 2: Impact of new Technologies and Future Trends
Impact of space technologies and trends on the orbit/spectrum resource: High Throughput Satellites, In-flight Connectivity, Electric Propulsion, Non-GSO constellations, nano/pico-satellites, Reusable Launch Vehicles, communications on the move (COTM), satellite communication in Q/V-bands, change of notifying administration …

Guido Baraglia (Kratos Networks
) - BIO ¦ PDF
Ethan Lavan (Eutelsat) - PDF
12:40Lunch Break
14:00 Session 3: Non-GSO Satellite Issues
- EPFD validation tool – latest developments, next steps
- NGSO constellations – project status one year on
- NGSO-NGSO/GSO coordination, bringing into use, “priority” date and changes to constellations parameters
- Evolution of small satellites
- Best practices of Space Traffic Management for NGSO constellations

Hon Fai Ng (ITU
) - PDF
Mohamed El Amin (Boeing
) - BIO ¦ PDF
Anthony Baker (O3b) - BIO ¦ PDF
Iman Wicak Soegijoko (PT SMA) - BIO ¦ PDF
​15:30​Short Coffee Break
​15:45Open Forum DiscussionYvon Henri (ITU) - PDF
17:15 Wrap up session
Yvon Henri (ITU)