Space Development and Sustainability in the Americas Region
Following the success of previous ITU Satellite Symposiums -and at the kind invitation of the Secretary of ICTs, Ministry of Communications of Argentina ̶ the Radiocommunication Bureau is pleased to announce a three-day Symposium to be held in San Carlos de Bariloche on 29-31 May 2017 where experts from the industry, satellite operators, regulators and space agencies from the Americas Region will meet to present and discuss their experiences in latest technologies in satellite communications and space missions, national space plans, regulatory and market aspects of space services.
The meeting will provide participants with high quality presentations and in depth understanding of the curent situation, evolution and trends in the above-mentioned fields in the region and all over the world. Hence, participation of governments , regulators , private sector , organizations and any stakeholder of the space ecosystem is strongly encouraged.
A preliminary list of topics to be addressed is shown below:
- National Policies and Space Plans
- Space Regulations and Licensing.
- Satellite Markets and Technology Trends.
- Large Non-GSO Communications Satellite Constellations
- WRC-15 Results, WRC-19 Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities ahead
- Recent and Future Space Science Missions
- Manufacturing, Testing and Launching of satellites.
- Small Satellites
- Space Monitoring, Latest Technologies to detect, identify, locate and mitigate harmful interference.
- ITU Regulations and actions to prevent and resolve harmful interference.
- International Procedures for Coordination and Notification of Satellite Networks.
- Update to Related ITU-R Recommendations, Reports and Handbooks
The event will be performed in spanish and english languages.