Notice | A.1.a | identity of the satellite network | Mandatory: Maximum of 20 characters. |
Notice | A.1.b (A.1.c) | beam identification | Conditional: The Plan Beam identification(s) shall be indicated only in the following submissions: - § 4.1.27 of Article 4 of AP30/30A; - § 4.2.6 of Article 4 of AP30/30A in the case of modification to existing assignments in the Region 2 Plan; - § 4.2.24 of Article 4 of AP30/30A for the suppression of existing assignments in the Region 2 Plan; - § 5.1.2 of Article 5 of AP30 and § 5.1.6 of Article 5 of AP30A in the case of notification of Plan assignments; - § 4 of the Annex to Resolution 42. |
Notice | A.1.f.1 | symbol of the notifying administration | Mandatory; See Table 1A of the Preface to the BR IFIC. |
Notice | A.1.f.2 (A.1.f.3) | symbols of administrations whose on behalf the notice is submitted | Conditional: if the notice is submitted on behalf of a group of administrations. See Table 1A of the Preface to the BR IFIC. |
Notice | A.1.f.3 (A.1.f.2) | symbol of the intergovernmental satellite organization | Conditional: if the notice is submitted on behalf of an intergovernmental organization. See Table 2 of the Preface to the BR IFIC. |
Group | A.2.a | Date (actual or foreseen, as appropriate) of bringing the frequency assignment (new or modified) into use | Conditional; Required for notifications under Article 5 of AP30/30A. |
Group | A.3.a (A.3) | Operating administration or agency | Mandatory; Numerical code indicated in table 12A/12B of the Preface to the BR IFIC for the operating administration or agency. In the case of submission of a new entry to that table, the name, telefax number and the address of the operating administration or agency shall be submitted in the fax or email corresponding to the submission. |
Group | A.3.b (A.3) | the administration to which communication should be sent on urgent matters | Mandatory; The alphabetical code indicated in Table 12A/12B of the Preface to the BR IFIC of the administration to which communication should be sent on urgent matters regarding interference, quality of emissions and questions referring to the technical operation of the network or station. In the case of a submission for a new entry to that table, the name, telefax number and the address of the responsible administration shall be submitted in the fax or e-mail corresponding to the submission. |
Notice | A.4.a.1 | The nominal geographical longitude on the geostationary-satellite orbit | Mandatory; Shall be in conformity with the orbital position limitations of Annex 7 to Appendix 30. |
Notice | A.4.a.2.a (A.4.a.2) | The planned longitudinal tolerance easterly limit | Mandatory;The value shall be in the range 0 to 0.1°. |
Notice | A.4.a.2.b (A.4.a.2) | The planned longitudinal tolerance westerly limit | Mandatory;The value shall be in the range 0 to 0.1°. |
Notice | A.6.a (A.6) | symbol of any administration with which agreement has been reached | Optional |
Notice | A.6.b (A.6) | symbol of any intergovernmental organization with which agreement has been reached | Optional |
Notice | A.6.c (A.6) | related provision code | Conditional: Shall be indicated for each symbol submitted under A.6.a or A.6.b. |
Notice | A.11.a (A.11) | start time of the regular hours of operation (UTC) | Mandatory; At least one “Group” of one “Beam” must be captured. For full-time operation 0 to 24 should be indicated. |
Notice | A.11.b (A.11) | stop time of the regular hours of operation (UTC) | |
Modulation characteristics | A.12 | Range of automatic gain control | Mandatory: (AP30A) The value shall be in the range 0 to 15 dB. See sections 3.10 and 4.9.2 of Annex 3 to AP30A. See also observation on item C.9.b. |
Notice | A.13.c A.13.d | Notice ID of the corresponding network previously processed under Article 4/5 of Appendices 30 or 30A | Conditional; Shall be provided for the following submissions: Article 4: - modification to a network in the Regions 1 and 3 List or to a network already successfully entered into the Region 2 Plan; - cancellation of a Plan, List or Article 4 network; - submission of the final characteristics of a network under § 4.1.12 or § 4.2.16 of Article 4; Article 5: - notification of a network in the Regions 1 and 3 Plan or List or a network already entered into the Region 2 Plan; - cancellation of previously notified assignments. |
Beam | B.1.a (B.1) | The designation of the satellite antenna beam | Mandatory |
Beam | B.1.b | Steerable/fixed flag | Mandatory: Steerable beams were previously identified by setting the last character of their beam designation to “R”. This rule is no longer applicable. |
Beam | B.3.a.1 (B.3.g.1) | the maximum co-polar isotropic antenna gain (dBi) | Mandatory: For the co-polar gain of an elliptical beam, SpaceCap displays a warning if the difference between the submitted value and the default value of 10*log(27843/(major-axis*minor-axis)) is greater than 0.1 dB. However, depending on a feasible antenna efficiency, the actual maximum antenna gain value may differ from the default value. For non-elliptical beams, the cross-polar antenna gain is mandatory. See also item C.8.a.1 for AP30 e.i.r.p. limitations. The minimum co-polar absolute antenna gain value derived from this item and B.3.b.1 or B.3.c.1 should not be normally less than –10 dBi. |
Beam | B.3.a.2 (B.3.g.1) | the maximum cross-polar isotropic antenna gain (dBi) in the case of a non-elliptical beam | | Conditional: For non-elliptical beams, the cross-polar antenna gain is mandatory. The minimum cross-polar absolute antenna gain value derived from this item and B.3.b.2 or B.3.c.2 should not be normally less than -10 dBi. |
| | | |
Beam | B.3.b.1 (B.3.g.5.a) | co-polar gain contours for non-elliptical beams | Conditional: Mandatory for non-elliptical beams. Gain contours in GXT files shall be validated with GIMS. Contours shall be submitted at least for –2, -4, -6, -10 and –20 dB and at 10 dB interval thereafter. For a steerable beam whose effective boresight area is less than the global service area, the 0 dB relative gain isoline effective gain contour(s) shall also be submitted. The type (Paper, GXT, File), file name and description of the attached diagram should be indicated. See also the observation under item B.3.a.1 concerning the minimum co-polar absolute antenna gain value. |
Beam | B.3.b.2 (B.3.g.5.a) | cross-polar gain contours for non-elliptical beams | Conditional: Mandatory for non-elliptical beams. See observations under B.3.b.1. See also the observation under item B.3.a.2 concerning the minimum cross-polar absolute antenna gain value. |
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Beam | B.3.c.1 (B.3.g.4.a) | co-polar radiation patterns for elliptical beams | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. For the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-links, MODRSS would be used instead of R13RSS. For the definition of different reference patterns, see the MSPACE manual. See also the observation under item B.3.a.1 concerning the minimum co-polar absolute antenna gain value. |
Beam | B.3.c.2 (B.3.g.4.a) | cross-polar radiation patterns for elliptical beams | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. For the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-links, MODRSS would be used instead of R13RSS. For the definition of different reference patterns, see the MSPACE manual. |
Beam | B.3.d | The pointing accuracy of the antenna for elliptical beams | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. The value shall be in the range 0 to 0.1°. For shaped/steerable beams, it is assumed that the effect of this parameter is taken into account in the corresponding antenna gain contours. |
Beam | B.3.e (B.3.g.5d) | the isotropic gain in the direction of those parts of the geostationary-satellite orbit which are not obstructed by the Earth. Use a diagram to show estimated isotropic gain relative to orbit longitude | Conditional: Mandatory for feeder-link non-elliptical beams. See Annex 3 for the corresponding validation rules. The type (Paper, GXT, File), file name and description of the attached diagram should be indicated. This diagram is not required for elliptical beams since the corresponding values will be calculated based on the data submitted under items B.3.b.1 and B.3.a.1. |
Beam | B.3.f.1 (B.3.g.4.f B.3.g.5.b) | Boresight or beam aim point of the antenna (longitude and latitude) | Conditional: Mandatory for all beams. The boresight or aim point location shall be located on the Earth and visible from the satellite. The boresight of an elliptical beam is considered as its aim point. |
Beam | B.3.f.2.a (B.3.g.4.b) | rotational accuracy in degrees | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. The value shall be in the range 0 to 1°. |
Beam | B.3.f.2.b (B.3.g.4.c) | major axis orientation in degrees anticlockwise from the Equator | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. The value shall be in the range 0 to 180°. |
Beam | B.3.f.2.c (B.3.g.4.d) | major axis (degrees) at the half-power beamwidth | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. See item B.3.g.1 concerning the default gain value. |
Beam | B.3.f.2.d (B.3.g.4.e) | minor axis (degrees) at the half-power beamwidth | Conditional: Mandatory for elliptical beams. See item B.3.g.1 concerning the default gain value. |
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Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.2.a.1 (C.2.a) | The assigned frequency (frequencies) | Mandatory: If the standard center frequencies of the Plans are used, the user may enter the channel number. The corresponding Plan center frequency will be set by SpaceCap. In the case of a non-standard center frequency see observation under C.2.a.2. The highest/lowest frequency plus/minus half the highest assigned frequency band (item C.3.a) shall be within the following ranges: DN: 11.7 – 12.5 GHz, : 17.3 – 18.1 GHz (Region 1). DN: 12.2 – 12.7 GHz, : 17.3 – 17.8 GHz (Region 2). DN: 11.7 – 12.2 GHz, : 17.3 – 18.1 GHz (Region 3). UP:14.5-14.8 GHz (countries outside Europe). For Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link networks, the user first should select either the 14GHz or 17GHz frequency band for a newly created “Group” of frequencies. The assigned frequencies can then be captured on the Emissions/Frequencies data entry form. |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.2.a.2 (C.2.a) | The channel number | Mandatory: If the user enters first the channel number, the corresponding center frequency in the Plan will be set by SpaceCap that could be modified by the user. If the frequency is entered first, the corresponding channel is calculated using the following formula: Channel = Integer((Frequency + Channel_Spacing / 2 – Plan_Frequency) / Channel_Spacing) + 1 Where: Frequency: center frequency of the assignment (C.2.a.1); Channel_Spacing: 19.18 MHz for Regions 1 and 3; 14.58 MHz for Region 2; Plan_Frequency: The center frequency of channel 1 of the Plans as follows: Regions 1 and 3: Downlink: 11727.48 MHz Feeder-link (14GHz): 14525.30 MHz Feeder-link (17GHz): 17327.48MHz Region 2: Downlink: 12224.00 MHz Feeder-link: 17324.00 MHz |
Gr | oup | C.3.a | The bandwidth of the assigned frequency band in kHz | Mandatory Shall be equal to the highest necessary bandwidth captured in the “Emissions/Frequencies” data entry form of the same “Group”. |
| Group | C.4.a (C.4) | Class of station(s) and nature of service The class of station and nature of service performed, using the symbols shown in the Preface to the International Frequency List. | Mandatory EC is valid for the feeder-link. EB and EV are valid for the downlink. |
Group | C.5.a | The lowest total receiving system noise temperature, in Kelvin’s, referred to the output of the receiving antenna of the space | station. | Mandatory Considering that WRC-2000 adopted a value of 600 K for 17 GHz feeder-link and 750 K for 14 GHz feeder-link Plan national assignments, the administrations of Regions 1 and 3 may wish to consider the use of a value of 600 K for 17 GHz assignments and 750 K for 14 GHz assignments. |
Group | C.6.a (C.6) | The type of polarization of the antenna. In the case of circular polarization, also the sense of polarization | Mandatory CR: Circular Right-hand CL: Circular Left-hand L: Linear |
Group | C.6.b (C.6) | In the case of linear polarization, the polarization angle as defined in § 3.2 of Annex 5 to Appendix 30 | Conditional: Mandatory for linear polarization. |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.7.a | The class of emission and the necessary bandwidth | Mandatory In accordance with § 4.1.29 of Article 4 of AP30/30A, only digital modulation may be submitted under Article 4 in Regions 1 and 3. Narrow band carriers such as 8M00G7W should be represented in a single merged carrier such as 24M0G7W that includes three 8 MHz carriers. |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.8.b.1 (C.8.h) (C.8.i) | the total peak power, in (dBW), supplied to the input of the antenna | Mandatory For Regions 1 and 3 downlink: - total_pow+co_pol_ant_gain(item B.3.a.1) shall be in conformity with e.i.r.p. limitations of Annex 7 to Appendix 30, and; - the PFD level produced by the total e.i.r.p. of pow_dens_27MHz+co-pol_ant_gain (item B.3.g.1a) shall not exceed the limit of –103.6 dB(W/m2. 27 MHz)) of § 1of Annex 1 to Appendix 30. See Rules of Procedure relating to the first paragraph of § 1 of that Annex. Moreover, for the orbital positions 9ºE and 4ºW, it shall not exceed the limit of –138 dB(W/m2. 27 MHz)) of note 1 to Tables 1 & 2 of Annex 7 to that Appendix. For Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link: - the PFD level produced by the total e.i.r.p. of pow_dens_27MHz+co-pol_ant_gain (item C.10.c.2) shall not exceed the limit of –76 dB(W/m2. 27 MHz)) of § 4 of Annex 1 to Appendix 30A. See Rules of Procedure relating to the first paragraph of § 4 of that Annex. - According to § 3.6 of Annex 3 to Appendix 30A, the maximum transmitter power delivered to the input of the antenna of the feeder-link earth station per 27 MHz shall be such as to ensure that the e.i.r.p. envelope in Figure A of that Annex is not exceeded (with the exception of the use of permissible level of power control). |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.8.b.2 (C.8.h) (C.8.i) | the maximum power density in dB(W/Hz), supplied to the input of the antenna | Mandatory In the case of analogue emission, the reference bandwidths for calculating the maximum power density are 4 kHz for the downlink and 14 GHz feeder-link and 1 MHz for the 17 GHz feeder-link. For digital emissions, the maximum power density default value (assuming uniform distribution of the power over the necessary bandwidth) is calculated once the total power is entered using the following formula: pwr-10´log(B) where pwr is the total power and B is the necessary bandwidth The differences between the submitted and the default value should be verified. |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.8.h (C.8.i) | the maximum power density in dB(W/Hz) averaged over the necessary bandwidth, supplied to the input of the antenna | Conditional: Mandatory for downlink and the 17 GHz feeder-link. For digital emissions, the maximum power density default value (assuming uniform distribution of the power over the necessary bandwidth) is calculated once the total power is entered using the following formula: pwr-10´log(B) where pwr is the total power and B is the necessary bandwidth the differences between the submitted and the default value should be verified. |
Emissions/ Frequencies of Group | C.8.i | if the power control is used, the range of power control, expressed, in dB, above the transmitting power indicated under C.8.b.1.
| Conditional: Mandatory for feeder-link. For Regions 1 and 3 power control value shall be in the range 0 to 10 dB.For Region 2, see §4.5 and 4.10 of Annex 3 to AP30A for power limits. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9 (C.9.b) | Modulation characteristics | To open this data entry form, the user should click on the corresponding designation of emission on the “Emissions/Frequencies” form. In order to copy the modulation characteristics of a specific designation of emission into all corresponding emissions, the user should activate the following option on the “Modulation characteristics” data entry form of SpeceCap: “Apply these characteristics to all emissions in all groups of this notice with the same designation of emission” |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.1 (C.9.b.1) | Type of modulation | Mandatory |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.3.a (C.9.b.5) | Peak-to-peak frequency deviation (MHz) | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.3.b (C.9.b.2) | Pre-emphasis characteristics | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.3.c (C.9.b.7) | Characteristics of multiplexing the video and audio signal | Optional: Should be submitted for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.6.a (C.9.b.8) | Peak-to-peak frequency deviation of the energy dispersal waveform (MHz) | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.6.b (C.9.b.8) | Sweep frequency of the energy dispersal waveform (kHz) | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.6.c (C.9.b.8) | Energy dispersal waveform | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.7 (C.9.b.8) | Type of energy dispersal | Conditional: Mandatory for other form of modulation than FM. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.a.9 (C.9.b.3) | TV standard | Mandatory |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.b.1 (C.9.b.4) | Sound-broadcasting characteristics | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | C.9.b.2 (C.9.b.6) | Composition of baseband | Conditional: Mandatory for FM TV. |
Modulation characteristics | SUP (C.9.b.9) | In the case of a digital modulation, the effective and transmitted bit rate (Mbits/s) and symbol rate (Msymbols/s) | This item was removed by WRC-03 and is no longer required for submission to the Bureau. |
Modulation characteristics | SUP (C.9.b.10) | Roll-off factor of the filter of the receiver | This item was removed by WRC-03 and is no longer required for submission to the Bureau. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.b.1 (C.10.b) | Name of the earth station | Conditional: Mandatory for a specific associated feeder-link earth station (AP30A). |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.c.1 (C.10.b) | geographical coordinates of the antenna site | Conditional: Mandatory for a specific associated feeder-link earth station (AP30A). The location shall be within the corresponding service area and visible from the satellite and should not be located at sea. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.c.2 | Symbol of the country or geographical area in which the earth station is located | Conditional: Mandatory for a specific associated feeder-link earth station (AP30A). The symbol should be in accordance with the Preface to the BR IFIC. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d (C.10.c) | For an associated earth station (whether specific or typical): | It is preferable not to submit more than two types of earth station, e.g. only the two antennas with smallest and the largest diameters should be submitted. Since in SpaceCap only one set of antenna characteristics is allowed per each “Group” of assignments, if the user modifies the typical antenna characteristics of a feeder-link, the same characteristics will be copied to all specific e.s. of the same group with a warning to inform the user, and vice versa |
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Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.3 (C.10.c.2) | The isotropic gain (dBi) of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation | Mandatory For the default values and valid ranges see Annex 4. See also item C.8.b.1 for AP30A e.i.r.p. limitations. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.4 C.10.c.3 | The beamwidth in degrees between the half power points (describe in detail if not symmetrical) | Mandatory For the default values and valid ranges see Annex 4. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.5.a C.10.c.4 | Either the measured co-polar radiation pattern of the antenna or the reference radiation pattern | Mandatory For a definition of the reference patterns, see the MSPACE manual. MODTES should be used instead of R13TES. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.5.b C.10.c.4 | Either the measured cross-polar radiation pattern of the antenna or the reference radiation pattern | Mandatory It is set by SpaceCap to the same type of antenna indicated for the co-polar reference pattern. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.7 C.10.c.6 | The antenna diameter (metres) | Mandatory: (AP30A) See observations on items C.10.d.3 and C.10.d.4. According to § 4.4.1 of Annex 3 to Appendix 30A, the minimum feeder-link antenna diameter for the Region 2 is 2.5 m. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna & Assoc Earth Station (feeder-link) | C.10.d.8 C.10.c.6 | The equivalent antenna diameter (metres) | Mandatory: (AP30) See observations on items C.10.d.3 and C.10.d.4. |
Srv Area/Typical Antenna | C.11.a (C.11.b) | - a set of a maximum of twenty test points; and - a service area contour on the surface of the Earth or a service area defined by a minimum elevation angle in degrees. | Mandatory Test points: - should not be located at sea; - location shall be visible from the satellite; - should be located within its service area. Service area contour: - The service area of a Region 2 Article 4 network shall not overlap with the Regions 1 or 3 and vice versa; - The service area “Number” and “Name” shall be identical to the data submitted in the corresponding GXT file. If only one service area is submitted for a specific beam, the number 1 should be assigned to it; - The type (Paper, GXT, File), file name and description of the attached diagram should be indicated. Test points and service area corresponding to the band 12.2-12.5 GHz shall not be inside Region 3. In the case of 14.5-14.8 GHz band, test points and service area shall not include the territories of European countries. |
Group | C.15.a (C.15) | the MSPACE group identification code | Conditional: Mandatory if part of an exclusive operation group. Article 4 assignments are usually grouped with the co-channel & co-orbital position assignments of the responsible administration in the Plan, or List, or other previously submitted Article 4 assignments of the same administration, unless the coverage areas are largely separated. This issue should be clarified in the fax or email corresponding to the submission. For describing the internal grouping of the assignments of the network, a MSPACE group code should be assigned to this item for each group of assignments on the “Group” from of SpaceCap. If this field is blank, it is understood that no MSPACE internal grouping is applicable to the assignments of the corresponding “Group”. It is to be noted that multiple MSPACE grouping for a specific assignment is not possible. For instance if assignment A should be grouped with assignments B and C, these two assignments have also to be grouped since they shall have the same MSPACE group code of assignment A. See ROP concerning § 4.1.1a) and 4.1.1b) of AP30 and 30A respectively |
Strapping | D.1.a (D.1) | Connection between Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth frequencies in the network The connection between uplink and downlink frequency assignments in each transponder for each intended combination of receiving and transmitting beams. | Conditional: Mandatory for Region 2. After capturing all assignments of all downlink and feeder-link beams, the “Strap wizard” on the “Strapping” data entry form of the SpaceCap should be used to connect downlink and feeder-link assignments. Before exiting that form, the “Validation” button should be pressed to verify that all assignments have strapped. |