ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

RWP5A-2013 - Programme

Working Party 5A Seminar on Cognitive Radio Systems and
the use of White Spaces (Geneva, 18 November 2013)
Opening Session
-   Opening remarks, José M. Costa, Chairman, ITU-R WP 5A
-   Welcome Address by Mr. François Rancy, Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR)
(David Botha on behalf of the Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR))
-   Objectives and Overview
José M. Costa, Chairman, ITU-R WP 5A
[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
Session 1: Ongoing Studies
P1-1        Philippe Aubineau (ITU Radiocommunication Bureau), “Activities on Cognitive Radio Systems and White Spaces in ITU-R”
Abstract: This presentation will outline the activities on cognitive radio systems (CRS) and white spaces (WS) in ITU-R, including definitions, the relevant results of RA-12 and WRC-12, and the ongoing studies in ITU-R Working Parties 1B, 1C, 5A, 5C, 5D and 6A, which are addressing in particular some spectrum management and monitoring issues, different aspects related to the developments and deployment of CRS in the fixed and mobile services, as well as the assessment of interference into the broadcasting service.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P1-2       Markus Mueck, Chairman of ETSI RRS TC (Intel), “A technical view on ETSI activities on cognitive radio”
Abstract: Abstract: “This talk will give an overview on the technical solutions which are developed by ETSI in order to address Cognitive Radio technologies, in particular with a focus on the requirements issued by the European Commission in EC Mandate M/512 on Reconfigurable Radio Systems. ETSI technical solutions mainly cover the areas of TV White Space usage, solutions for implementation of the Licensed Shared Access framework and other reconfigurable radio related technologies such as reconfigurable devices architecture definition. Furthermore, new technologies are developed by ETSI serving as a support for those disruptive technical solutions, including in particular data-base architectures and inter-database communication and coordination mechanisms for ensuring interference-free communication in a spectrum sharing environment. A corresponding overview will be given, providing state-of-the art information to the audience on upcoming Cognitive Radio technologies as they are currently developed within ETSI.”

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P1-3       Dr. Artūras Medeišis (Chairman of COST-TERRA), and Dr. Oliver Holland (Vice-Chairman of COST Action IC0905 TERRA (King’s College London, UK)), “Cognitive Radio is dead… Long live Cognitive Radio!”
Abstract: This talk will discuss the state of CRS as innovative game-changer in the field of wireless technologies and its future potential. It will present various realistic implementation examples of CRS, including some novel spectrum sharing mechanisms that are being conceptualized and studied in the European COST Action IC0905 TERRA. The examples of discussed issues include the role of Radio Environment Mapping, solutions conducive to better exploitation of licence-exempt bands, as well as better co-existence of traditional and CR systems through licensing innovation.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P1-4       Dr. Keith Nolan (Wireless Innovation Forum (CTVR / The Telecommunications Research Centre, Ireland)), “Technical challenges, opportunities for CRS, and the Wireless Innovation Forum top ten most wanted wireless innovations”
Abstract: In this presentation, we highlight technical challenges and opportunities influencing the potential widespread market adoption of CRS and CRS-like systems. We also present the top ten most wanted wireless innovations as compiled by the Wireless Innovation Forum. The talk will address the following topics; cognitive pilot channel/cognitive control channels, use of geo-location databases, applicability of CRS technology in frequency bands beyond the UHF band, sensing for secondary user coexistence and as a potential fallback mechanism, the increased for a receiver-centric approach in new technology implementations, the role of CRS as a complementary technology to existing deployed systems.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
Questions and Answers (15 minutes)
Coffee break
Session 2: General issues and opportunities 
P2-1       Wassim Chourbaji (Qualcomm Inc.), “ASA: a new framework to unlock more licensed spectrum for mobile broadband”
Abstract: Mobile data traffic has doubled every year over the past few years. If this growth rate continues for ten years, we will see a 1000x increase. How can we achieve the 1000x capacity? More licensed mobile broadband spectrum will be an essential component of the answer. Only licensed spectrum that supports deployment of IMT systems can deliver the quality of service consumers increasingly depend upon every day.  This spectrum should be in prime bands - meaning that the spectrum is harmonized regionally and, ideally, globally and should also be made available in a fast track manner. This is required to achieve scale and affordable access to mobile data. Delaying access to spectrum has a direct impact on countries economic growth. Freeing up enough licensed spectrum quickly is however a tremendous challenge. While traditional licensing after spectrum clearance will remain the preferred approach, that alone is not enough.  More is needed with Authorized Shared Access (ASA).  ASA was designed to free up more licensed spectrum quickly. Some incumbent spectrum users, such as government users, do not use their spectrum nationwide every hour of every day, but they are not in a position to vacate it because they still need it from time to time or in specific locations or situations. With ASA, a commercial operator can share the spectrum with this incumbent in time or location or both, on an exclusive binary basis. The aim of this talk is to provide a comprehensive regulatory, technology and economic overview of ASA.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P2-2       Prof. Zhiyong Feng, Dr. Ying Xu  (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications), “Cognitive TD-LET System Operating in TV White Space in China: Challenges, Solutions and Testbed
Abstract: With the transition from analog TV to digital TV, a considerable amount of vacant spectrum will be available in different locations, which is denoted as TV white space. In order to improve the spectrum usage efficiency, cognitive radio technology has been considered as one of the solutions. Therefore, this talk will give an overview on the challenges, solutions and testbed of cognitive TD-LTE system operating in TV white space in China. First, this talk will briefly describe the spectrum measurement results in Beijing around 700 MHz band and the challenges on how to apply cognitive radio technology to TD-LTE cellular system. Second, technical solutions including spectrum sensing, cognitive database, dynamic spectrum management, spectrum handover, and network reconfiguration, will be proposed and described in this talk. Last, the testbed designed and developed by BUPT team will be described to verify the key performance indicators of the proposed cognitive TD-LTE system operating in TV white space. This talk will give the audience not only theoretical analyses but also the implementation solutions on cognitive radio technology used in TD-LTE cellular system in TV white space.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P2-3       Homare Murakami (WhiteSpace Alliance, NICT (Japan)), “Cognitive Radio based Spectrum Sharing in the Television Broadcast Bands”
Abstract: Regulators all over the world have realized the importance of white spaces. White spaces are the un-used or under-utilized portions of the spectrum. Currently more than 50% of the people in the world do not have internet access. Nearly 3.5 Billion people live in rural areas with hardly any internet availability. Use of white spaces enabled through Cognitive Radio (CR) technology has the potential to change all that and benefit many emerging economies all over the world. Other Machine to Machine (M2M) applications will drive up the volumes. White space spectrum can support a wide variety of applications including regional and rural area broadband access, local area networks, hot-spots, health-care applications, cellular off-load, smart utility networks, remote control and monitoring applications, home-land security, disaster-recovery etc. Skeptics exist but recently, CR related research has seen an explosive growth all over the world and software radio defined test-beds and prototypes are emerging all over the world already. This talk will focus on emerging cognitive radio standards such as 3GPP / LTE, IEEE 802.22, IEEE 802.11AF, IEEE 802.15.4m, IEEE 802.19.1, IEEE P1900, IETF-PAWS with synergies and differences, and their feasibilities will be discussed by introducing several world's first developed prototype. This talk will also showcase the pilot programs that are on-going all over the world in TV Band white spaces.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P2-4       Dominique Nussbaum (Eurécom, on behalf of Monaco Telecom), “SPECTRA: Spectrum and energy efficiency in 4G and beyond communication systems”
Abstract: As highlighted in the European Commission Work Programme, energy efficiency and flexibility in the use of spectrum resources are two major research challenges for the development of future wireless communications technologies. To address these challenges, SPECTRA project will develop a multi-band cognitive radio technology. New techniques for the global efficiency of wireless systems will be developed in the following five directions:
    the spectral efficiency thanks to the use of cognitive radio techniques in wireless systems,
    the minimization of electronic component number in wireless systems,
    the energy optimization for wireless communication terminals by optimizing architecture design and algorithms implementation,
    the minimization of the generated interference in the environment by selecting the adequate band which will guarantee the shortest transmission distance and the minimum power while preserving the Quality of Service,
    the reliability and robustness of communications, especially when related to public safety operations.
The innovation and impact brought by SPECTRA project are in the combination of innovative approaches on Radio Frequency (RF) front-end and base band components design with new cognitive radio algorithms integrated into a demonstrator platform. Thanks to the developed platform, medium term (2015-2020) application scenarios will be validated. The major outcome of SPECTRA project is a proof-of-concept able to communicate cognitively in real time, which corresponds to concrete needs today in Europe. SPECTRA project will address the minimization of the ICT environmental impact in general since it addresses the minimization of the number of electronic components and the energy optimization in wireless communication terminals. In order to minimize the electronic components, SPECTRA will use a Software Designed Radio (SDR) approach to design a flexible and agile architecture for the RF including antennas, the Analogue to Digital conversion and the digital base band processing. SPECTRA also propose Baseband/RF co-design techniques for the energy minimization in wireless communication terminals. Considering the current ICT challenges, SPECTRA project, by designing and validating new techniques for spectrum and energy efficiency in wireless communications is expected to have a significant impact on future wireless mobile systems. Moreover, all those techniques will be demonstrated, and thanks to medium term application scenarios.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
Questions and Answers (15 min)
Coffee break
Session 3: Specific projects
P3-1       Dr. Marja Matinmikko (VTT, Finland), “Finnish Trial Program Activities”
Abstract: This presentation will give an overview of Finnish Trial Environment for Cognitive Radio and Networks program activities. The program covers CRS related research and development widely from technology aspects to business models and regulation. The program consist of total 51 projects which are run by ten companies and seven research institutes with a total volume of 35 M€ in 2011-2014. This presentation will introduce the key activities of the program related to spectrum sharing with a focus on the recent Authorized Shared Access (ASA) studies and trials in Finland. In the ASA concept a mobile communication system can share spectrum from another type of incumbent spectrum user within the recently introduced European Licensed Shared Access (LSA) framework.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P3-2       Andreas Georgakopoulos (WINGS ICT Solutions, Greece), “A Cognitive Radio Experimentation on the Validation of Control Channels for the Management of D2D Constructs”
Abstract: Through the FP7-CREW (Cognitive Radio Experimentation World) project, an open federated test platform has been developed in order to facilitate experimentally-driven research on advanced spectrum sensing, cognitive radio and cognitive networking strategies in view of horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing in licensed and unlicensed bands. The CREW wireless testbeds incorporate diverse wireless technologies (e.g., heterogeneous licensed and unlicensed bands, cellular, wireless sensor, etc.) augmented with State-of-the-Art cognitive sensing platforms. One of the conducted experiments is related to the experiment-based validation of Control Channels for Cognitive Radio Systems, which evaluates the performance of operator-governed D2D constructs in terms of signaling load and throughput. Specifically, the considered scenario comprises the capacity expansion of congested infrastructure, which is achieved through the offloading of traffic to alternative access points via the exploitation of neighboring devices. In order to offload the traffic, D2D communication is established among the devices with the utilization of the IEEE 802.11s protocol.

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P3-3       Dr. Olivier Van Der Aa (Neul Ltd.), “Singapore White Space Pilot Project”
Abstract: “After an overview of the Singapore Whitespace Pilot Project activities we will detail the link budget analysis performed for the Singapore Island Country Club deployment. We will demonstrate that the combination of aHata rural model with a knife edge diffraction model was appropriate to model the link performance. Finally we will discuss technical challenges of operating Broadband and M2M networks in TV white space. In particular we will show the regulation choices impact the radio system architecture.”

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
P3-4       Prof. Animesh Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India), “Mesh-Network for Rural Broadband Coverage Using TV White Spaces in India”
Abstract: “In this talk, the estimation of actual TV white space in India and its potential uses will be discussed. In India, there is a single TV broadcasting entity named Doordarshan. Using TV transmitter parameters, the TV white space present in India is estimated using the commonly known pollution and protection viewpoints. An algorithm is presented which estimates the number of TV channels needed to provide existing TV band coverage in India. It is found that at least 70% channels can be freed up from TV band broadcast! We will also discuss a mesh-network plan in the TV band. While it is in inception, we believe that this will significantly address the lack of rural broadband coverage in India.”

[ Presentation ] [ Biography ]
Questions and Answers (15 min)
18:30 – 19:00
Closing Session