ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Resolution 647 (Rev. WRC-19): Information, Notification file format and instructions

​​​​To maintain the database and facilitate online access thereto by administrations, national regulatory authorities, disaster relief agencies and organizations, in particular the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, in accordance with the operating procedures developed for disaster situations.

Noti​​fication file ​format and instructions

Concerning the notification of data, administrations are:

  • Invited to always indicate, using the Action Code (Field 1), the required action to be taken by the Bureau;
  • Invited to submit the relevant data to the Radiocommunication Bureau as soon as possible and to take appropriate measures to keep the information up to date.
  • Strongly encouraged to notify information concerning all data elements for each record (essential and optional). “The more information provided, the more effective the data is for emergency agencies.”
  • Invited to address all submissions to the attention of:

    The Director of Radiocommunication Bureau
    International Telecommunication Union​
    Place des Nations
    CH-1211 Geneva 20
    Direct Telefax No.: +41 22 730 5785