ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Throughout the existence of the ITU-D Study Groups, members have submitted case studies as a means to accumulate knowledge and experience and then share it with other members. These case studies were published as contributions to meetings and some attempts were made at creating case study libraries, such as the one for rural communications that was set up during the 2006-2010 study period to store cases on this topic only.
The ITU-D Study Group Case Study Library allows members to submit, store and consult case studies on topics under study by the Questions in the ITU-D Study Groups. Sharing and learning from each other's experiences is at the core of the mandate of the ITU-D Study Groups and through this new tool the remarkable wealth of information that are case studies will be available to all members. Improved features to search and filter have been put in place to make them more easily accessible.
The format for case studies approved at the September 2012 meeting of Study Group 2 has been used to set up the library.
The ITU-D Study Group Case Study Library is accessible from here. [ITU user account required to view and submit case studies to the library]
In order to log on to the Case Study Library, please use your ITU username and logon (not email address).
If you experience any trouble with your ITU userprofile, please go to​ to reset your password or find your username.
There are two possibilities when it comes to submitting case studies:
  • The case study is for display in the case study library ONLY and thus you only submit it to this database,
  • The case study is ALSO for discussion at the next meeting of the concerned ITU-D study Question in addition to being displayed in the library. In this case, you will need to submit a contribution using the on line submission form available in all official ITU languages here, providing an abstract of the case study and the contact details of the person that will present the contribution at the meeting.

To ensure that case study information you intend to submit on line is in the correct format, you may use the Word template available here.

In order to add a new case study, please click on the "Add new item" link.  Before starting, you may also wish to refer to the document ITU-D Study Group Case Study Library - How to go about it...


Should you require any additional informati​on on this new tool, and how to submit your case studies, do not hesitate to contact the Study Group Secretariat through the address:  

Proceed to the Case Study Library