ITU Workshop on Enhancing Human Life Using e-Services took place in ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday 25 March 2019 in room K. This event was collocated with the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 16 on Multimedia taking place 19-29 March in the same venue. This workshop was also held within the context of two European Regional Initiatives approved by WTDC-17 on "A citizen-centric approach to building services for national administrations" (aiming at facilitating the development of transformative and paperless citizen-centric services that could be accessible and available to all members of society) and on "Accessibility, affordability and skills development for all to ensure digital inclusion and sustainable development" (aiming at bridging the digital divide and equip all groups of society, including persons with disabilities and specific needs, to take advantage of ICT, by enabling capacity building in digital skills).
The workshop opened at 0930 hours on 25 March 2019. Registration began at 0830 hours. Detailed information concerning the meeting room was displayed at the entrance of the venue. The workshop was conducted in English only and remote participation was provided.
This workshop focused on how e-services could enhance our lifestyles, and how it could improve life outcomes in our increasingly digital lives, by addressing technologies including artificial intelligence for areas such as health and agriculture as well as standardization challenges in ICT accessibility and for procurement of accessible ICT services and products. One objective was to identify future work streams for Study Group 16 in preparation for WTSA-20.
Target Audience
Participation in the workshop was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that was a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This included individuals who were also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation at the workshop was free of charge, however no fellowships were granted.
The real time captioning plus ASL and BSL interpretation were available for this event.