ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Release of the ITU Measuring the Information Society 2014

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organised the Release of ITU’s flagship ICT statistics report: Measuring the Information Society (2014), on Monday 24 November 2014, at 16:30hrs at the Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC). The release coincided with the global launch by ITU on the same day at the 12th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) in Tbilisi, Georgia.


The launch event of this Measuring the Information Society 2014 is co-organised with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in the context of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), and hosted by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC), Thailand.

The ITU flagship report MIS-2014 features the latest ICT Development Index (IDI), a benchmarking tool that monitors information society developments worldwide. The latest IDI captures the level of ICT developments in 166 economies worldwide, presents country rankings, and compares progress made during the past two years. The IDI is based on official, comparable country data and is the only ICT index that covers such a large number of economies, from both developed and developing regions. The report also includes the results of the ICT Price Basket (IPB) and new mobile-broadband price data for over 140 economies. The report also looks at new ICT data sources for measurement and examines the possible role of ICT big data for monitoring and development.

For more information: .


​16:00-16:30 | Registration

16:30-16:45 | Opening Session

  Welcome Remarks by Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  Opening Remarks by Air Chief Marshal Thares Punsri, Chairman of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)

​09:30-09:45 | Group Photo and Coffee Break

16:45-17:45 | Presentations

  Introduction of the Measuring the Information Society 2014 Report
Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
[Download presentation]

  Measuring the Information Society in Asia and the Pacific: ESCAP's perspective
Ms. Tiziana Bonapace, Chief, Information and Communications Technology and Development Section, IDD, ESCAP
[Download presentation]

  Questions and Answers