BDT has decades of experience in the execution and implementation of projects in ICT for Development. These projects range in size and scope and encompass telecommunication infrastructure development, capacity building, policies and regulation, e-services, cybersecurity, emergency telecommunications, ICTs for persons with disabilities, etc.
AMS1:Deployment of modern, resilient, secure and sustainable
telecommunication/information and communication technology
Expected results:
1) Assistance in designing, funding and implementing national, regional and
subregional broadband plans and resilient networks, including support to
community networks, with special attention to indigenous communities,
underserved and unserved areas, critical environment areas and vulnerable
populations, taking into account innovative connectivity solutions that can
be locally deployed and managed, including access to spectrum and
high-speed networks.
2) Assistance in developing, funding and implementing national emergency
telecommunication plans and network infrastructure.
3) Enhanced and strengthened confidence and security in the use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs), including capacity
building and support for the development of national cybersecurity
4) Effective use of sustainable telecommunications/ICTs to mitigate climate
change and enhance environmental sustainability.
5) Assistance in designing effective spectrum-management plans, enabling
affordable access to backbone facilities, development of Internet exchange
points and appropriate use of universal service funds.
AMS2: Enhancement and expansion of digital-literacy, digital-skills and
digital-inclusion programmes, especially among vulnerable populations
Expected results:
1) Support in developing human capacity through national, regional and
subregional capacity-building projects, such as training programmes or
workshops, to exchange expertise and knowledge, as well as national and
international experiences, which will provide practical skills and tools to
bridge the digital divides, including the gender digital divide, in order
to contribute to the development of sustainable
telecommunications/information and communication technologies, enhancing
competition, investment and innovation.
2) Provision of diligent assistance in planning, implementing and
evaluating projects and programmes on digital literacy, digital skills and
digital inclusion. WTDC-22 Final Report - Part III - Americas regional
initiatives 71.
AMS3: Effective support for digital transformation and innovation
ecosystems through scalable, funded and sustainable connectivity
Expected results:
1) Assistance in planning and implementing foundational infrastructure and
special-purpose e-services.
2) Increased capacity building and multistakeholder cooperation to
facilitate and enhance innovation in telecommunications/information and
communication technologies in support of digital transformation in the
region, with special focus on all developing countries in the region,
including least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and
small island developing states, indigenous communities, and in particular
youth and women in rural, remote, unserved or underserved areas and
3) Promotion of the active engagement of civil society, international
financial institutions, industry partners, academia and other relevant
stakeholders. 72 WTDC-22 Final Report - Part III - Americas regional
AMS4: Development of enabling policy and regulatory environments to
connect the unconnected through accessible and affordable
telecommunications/information and communication technologies that
support achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and progress
towards the digital economy.
Expected results:
1) Support for and promotion of sustainable telecommunications/information
and communication technologies in all developing countries in the region,
including least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries
(LLDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS), and in protected areas,
for emergency communications and for protecting, restoring and promoting
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.
2) Support in developing an enabling policy and regulatory environment and
in facilitating investment and innovation to connect the unconnected and
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
3) Support for Member States in implementing policy and regulatory
strategies to connect the unconnected, with a focus on affordability,
including support for small operators and community networks.
4) Enhanced outreach to all developing countries in the region, including
LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, for greater participation in ITU processes and better
access to finance and expertise.
5) Support for digital financial inclusion and fostering the implementation
of electronic transactions.