TDAG-20/2 meeting
16 June 2020
During the discussions at TDAG-20, which was held as a fully virtual meeting from 2 to 5 June 2020, and as requested by membership, in order to agree on the terms of reference (ToR) of the two working groups established by TDAG on preparations for WTDC-21, an extraordinary TDAG meeting was held exclusively online on 16 June 2020, between 1300h and 1600h (Geneva time).
The only item on the agenda of this meeting was as follows:
- Terms of reference for the two working groups on preparations for WTDC-21, as shared in document TDAG-20/2/DT/1, which was displayed for all participants and discussed on Friday, 5 June.
Document TDAG-20/2/DT/1 is available in the six official languages.