TDAG appointed Ms Inga Rimkevičienė (Lithuania) to chair this group, with Ms Blanca Gonzalez (Spain) and Mr Ahmad Sharafat (Iran) appointed as vice-chairs.
The following Terms of Reference were agreed (TDAG-24/DT/5):
- Review the current ITU-D Priorities and related enablers set at WTDC-22, proposals to WTDC-25 including on regional initiatives, ITU-D study Questions, as well as outcomes of the Regional Preparatory Meetings for WTDC-25, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the relevant WSIS Action Lines for which ITU has lead responsibility and subsequently develop proposals for the new ITU-D Priorities;
- Review the status of implementation and impact of the ITU Strategic Plan 2024-2027 relating to ITU-D and prepare proposals for the draft new ITU-D contribution to the ITU Strategic Plan for the next period (2028-2031);
- Review the status of implementation and impact of the Kigali Action Plan (KAP) including its links with the Operational Plan and develop proposals for the next WTDC Action Plan;
- Review the status of implementation and impact of the four-year rolling Operational Plan, identify areas of improvement, and develop recommendations for the Draft Operational Plan; and
- Submit the report to TDAG.