ITU's 160 anniversary

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​​​​​​​​​​​​Regional Regulatory Roundtable for Arab States 

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  ​Regional Regulatory Roundtable for Arab States 

The GSR-21 Regional Regulatory Roundtable (RRR-ARB21) and Regional Economic Dialogue (RED-ARB21) for Arab States were hold in the lead-up to the 21st Global Symposium for Regulators (BDT/DKH/RME/079​) which will be held virtually from 21 to 25 June 2021 under the theme “Regulation4digitaltransformation: Accelerating inclusive connectivity, access and use”. 

 ​​The objective of the Regional Regulatory Roundtable for Arab States (RRR-ARB21) was to identify the key regulatory priorities at the regional level that will contribute to the elaboration of the GSR Best Practice Guidelines 2021. It also provided a platform to foster regulatory dialogue across the region and assist policy makers and regulators to build knowledge and skills on advances in competition and other policy and regulatory tools in the context of digital markets, and identify bottlenecks and good practices for enhanced competitive digital markets in the Arab region. The Regional Regulatory Roundtable was be followed by the Regional Economic Dialogue on Telecommunications/ICT for Arab States (RED-ARB21). The RRR-ARB21 and RED-ARB21 was ​organized in collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS), the Arab Network for Regulators (AREGNET) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and supported by GSMA, SAMENA and other regional and international entities. 

GSR Discussion paper: Digital Competition Policy and Regulation in the Africa and Arab regions







Agenda and Speakers