ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-20)

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​As GSR celebrated its 20th edition, the global community of ICT regulators celebrated 20 years of evolving regulatory frameworks. The anniversary event focused on providing concrete guidance towards achieving meaningful connectivity in the digital transformation. 
In addition to the high-level panels on topical, cutting edge policy and regulatory issues, GSR-20 featured interactive sessions and trainings, brought together regulators and policy makers from around the world and provided a global platform for discussions.
GSR-20 provided ITU Members with the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, collaborate and identify evolving regulatory tools and approaches to bring affordable, safe, secure and trusted connectivity and online access and use to people everywhere.

#️⃣ Share the GSR outcomes with your networks: ​​Follow & tag @ITU_BDTDirector and @ITU​​. Join the conversation with #ITUGSR​​

​​Read the September outcome report 
(Englishعر​ب​ي中文EspañolFranç​ais, Русский​​​​​)

Take th​​e satisfaction survey 
English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic​)


Find all session details


📅 June 30th: GSR 20th edition celebration launch​​

Opening Ceremony and Leadership Debate on: "Resilient and secure digital connectivity for all - COVID-19 Recovery and lessons learned for better preparedness and response". ​


Regional Regulatory Roundtable Discussions were held online over the Summer, working with our regional colleagues, regional regulatory associations, and partners, and including:

📅 7 July 2020Europe and CIS: The Regulatory Wheel of Change: Regulation for Digital Transformation ​


📅​ 27 and 28 August: USTTI-ITU Behind the Scenes Look at Emerging Technologies webinar sessions: 
USTTI and ITU teamed up to provide a behind the scenes look at the work taking place to prepare for the deployment and usage of emerging technologies.Experts provided regulators with information on the technological underpinnings of emerging technologies and the spectrum planning that is taking place to enable these new services.

📅 31 August 2020: ​​​Regional Regula​tory Associations meeting​ & Industry Advisory Group for Development Issues and Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officer's meeting (IAGDI-CRO)​ 

📅 1 September 2020 Heads of Regulators Executive Roundtable (upon invitation only).

📅​ The core sessions of GSR were held from 1 to 3 September 2020 in short sessions over 3 hours each day. ​​​​​​​​​​​​

Catch up on the discussions


GSR-20 Best Practice Guidelines

Under the overall theme of "The gold standard for digital regulation", this consultation sought ideas, views and experiences on:

    • Demonstrating regulatory thought leadership​​ for digital transformation
    • Vectors of regulatory action: inclusiveness, agility, and resilience
    • Collaboration across sectors, cooperation across borders, and engagement across the board
Read and share the guidelines here:​


Learn more about our key products


Explore which ITU products can help you in your work

🌐 ITU-World Bank Digital Regulation Handbook and Platformprovide practical guidance and best practice for policy makers and regulators across the globe concerned with harnessing the benefits of the digital economy and society for their citizens and firms. 

🌐 ITU REG4COVID platform: a place where regulators, policy makers and other interested stakeholders share best practices to improve COVID-19 response.​

🌐 Global ICT Regulatory Outlook & Tracker: 2020 : evidence and practical advice to support regulators embarked on their journey to fifth generation collaborative regulation. 

📕 ITU Discussion Paper​: How Broadband, Digitization and ICT Regulation Impact the Global Economy - Global Econometric Modelling Expert Report

📕 ITU Discussion Paper​​: Report Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Infrastructure - Report of an Economic Experts Roundtable

📕 ITU Discussion Paper​​: Pandemic in the Internet Age: communications industry responses

✉ ​Invitation letter GSR Goes Digital 
(English​, عربي中文EspañolFrançais Русский)

  ​​Invitation letters
(English,  عربي中文EspañolFrançaisРусский​)​

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