ITU's 160 anniversary


IT Services Hungary Ltd.

Debrecen and Pécs, Hungary, 2015, April 23


The national Girls’ Day programme was arranged for the fourth time, the purpose of which is to introduce and popularize ‘male’ professions among female students. Since IT is one of these professions, IT Services Hungary joined the initiative four years ago.

In 2015 ITSH Tudáspark in Debrecen welcomed 27 female students and this was the first year ITSH’s Pécs site was also open to more than 23 female students.

The programme started at 8.30 am and lasted until 1.30 pm. ITSH colleagues put together the programme so that students received a dynamic glimpse into the process of ITSH IT services. Taking this as a starting point, and following a couple of warm-up and introductory exercises, participants were split into three groups and they started working on the ordering, structuring and operation of the services of a company (fashion companies) selected by them at IT Services Hungary. Naturally, in the course of operations errors began to creep into the system, which they also had to manage. In addition, during the programme there was a special station where it was possible to try out – as an outsider – how compliant students were with the Clean Desk policy.

Verbal and written feedback suggests that the girls really enjoyed themselves and more than 22 stated that they would be willing to work at ITSH.

IT Services Hungary plans on continuing its active participation in the Girls’ Day initiative in two sites with the ultimate intention of kindling – within the hearts and minds of as many students as possible planning their career moves – the idea that one day may lead them to select ITSH as their future workplace.

More pictures about the events on the following link: