ITU's 160 anniversary


​​​Gender Studies​

Prague, Czech Republic, 2014, April 25

Historically second Girl`s Day in the Czech Republic was held in Prague on 25th of April. 60 girls from high schools and ninth year of primary schools visited 5 companies and institutions.

Girls have consulted daily operation of companies, learnt about various jobs and positions, how to find well-paid job in future, how to choose the appropriate field of study. They got a clearer idea of what they would like to do after finishing their studies and found out the possibilities of internships and graduate programs in the companies. For example in Telefonica 02 girls visited monitoring centre which controls the functioning of mobile and fixed networks, as well as the unique facility - atomic clocks. In Avast female employees shared their stories and enthusiasm for working in IT. Girls visited "virus laboratory", where they saw how is the Avast anti-virus program catching the viruses and how to programme such an anti-virus program. In building company Průmstav girls, among other things, engaged in an interactive team task, they designed own building construction following specific instructions given by the employees.

Some of the teachers took part in the program together with their students so they have a good understanding of what the Girl`s Day is and they can help to spread the idea among other colleagues and professionals working with girls.

Marie, a student of Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, after the Girl`s Day, said: "I am pretty sure I want to work in electrical engineering, but today I realized how important is to gain some internship experience, it will help me a lot when I will be looking for a job after finishing school."

"We would like to raise awareness of working in IT and motivate girls to further studies in this field so they can work in our company. The girls can bring a different perspective into programming," said Kamila Štěpánková, HR Manager of Avast.​​​​​