Верен идее соединить мир

Consultation 2016

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The ITU Secretary-General’s Academia Consultation ​

ITU ​consultation with Academia

9.00 –17.30​, 13 November 2016

 Bangkok, Thailand


The objective of this meeting is to consult on how ITU can best meet Academia needs and expectations, and to strengthen collaboration between Academia and ITU, including 193 Member States and more than 700 industry members, both top global companies as well as SMEs. Find the draft programme here.

Call for Written Contributions

The ITU Secretary-General is calling for written contributions to provide feedback regarding three areas in particular, including creating: a new ITU Journal/Magazine; an Advisory Board of Academia to the Secretary-General; and, a platform/consultation mechanism to strengthen cooperation between ITU and Academia. 

More information is available  he​re 

Deadline for a written contribution ​on the above-mentioned topics: 30 September 2016

The contributions should be sent to academia@itu.int.








