1909 | Frey, Emile. "Les quatre bureaux internationaux à Berne." Conférence donnée à Berne aux étudiants de l’Ecole supérieure de commerce de Berlin, Berne, Suisse, août 17 1909. | Speech | | FR
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1915 | Bureau international de l’Union télégraphique. L’Union télégraphique internationale : 1865-1915. Berne : Bureau international de l’Union télégraphique, 1915. | Book | | FR
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1922 | "Inauguration du monument commémoratif de la fondation de l’Union télégraphique." Journal télégraphique 46, no.12 (1922): 238-244. | Article | | FR
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1924 | "La télégraphie internationale avant la création de l’Union télegraphique." Journal télégraphique 48, nos. 11-12 (1924): 205-211 ; 221-226. | Article | | FR
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1926 | Le Danic, Th. Conférence télégraphique internationale de Paris (1925). Paris: s.n., 1926.
| Book | | FR
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1929 | Valensi, Georges. "The First Five Years of the International Advisory Committee for Long-Distance Telephone Communications." Zeitschrift für den Internationalen Nachrichtenverkehr, no. 12/13 (1929).
| Article | EN
 | FR
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1936 | "Les dix premières années du Comité consultatif international télégraphique (C.C.I.T.)." Journal des télécommunications 3, no. 9 (1936): 249-254. | Article | | FR
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1946 | Meyer, Victor. Union internationale des télécommunications et son bureau. Unpublished manuscript, Berne, 1946.
| Manuscript | | FR
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1956 | Valensi, Georges. Le Comité consultative international téléphonique (CCIF) : 1924-1956. Unpublished manuscript, 1956.
| Manuscript | | FR
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1963 | Technical assistance to new or developing countries for the development of telecommunications | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1965 | 1865-1965: A Hundred Years of International Cooperation. Geneva: ITU, 1965. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1965 | Dormer, D. J. "The CCITT and Its Secretariat." Telecommunication Journal 32, no. 8 (1965): 312-318. | Article | EN
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1965 | From Semaphore to Satellite. Edited by Anthony R. Michaelis. Geneva: International Telecommunication Union, 1965. | Book | EN
 | FR
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1966 | Technical assistance to new or developing countries in the field of telecommunications | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1968 | ITU and space radiocommunication. Geneva: ITU, 1968. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1969 | 1st Symposium on Space and Radiocommunication : Paris, 2 june 1969 : 28th international air and space show. Geneva: ITU, 1969. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1969 | World telecommunication day : 17 May 1969 : celebration in Geneva and throughout the world. Geneva: ITU, 1969. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1970 | World telecommunication day : 17 May 1970 : celebration in Geneva and throughout the world. Geneva: ITU, 1970. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1971 | Speeches made at the inaugural meeting of the second World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications on 7 June 1971. Geneva: ITU, 1971. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1973 | Inauguration of the ITU tower : 17 May 1973 : 5th World Telecommunication Day. Geneva: ITU, 1973. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1973 | "ITU and Technical Co-operation: The Record." Telecommunication Journal 40, no. 8 (1973): 398-538. | Article | EN
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1973 | "IFRB: Activities of the International Frequency Registration Board." Telecommunication Journal 40, no.8 (1973): 402-407. | Article | EN
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1974 | Panaftel : the Pan-Africa telecommunication network. Geneva: ITU, 1974. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1974 | 3rd Symposium on Space and Radiocommunication : Paris, 28 May 1973 : 30th international air and space show. Geneva: ITU, 1974. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1974 | What is ITU? Geneva: ITU, 1974. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1975 | Space radiocommunications system for aid following natural disasters. Geneva: ITU, 1975. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1976 | Centenary of the Telephone. Geneva: ITU, 1976. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1978 | ITU and vocational training : interregional project for course development in telecommunications. Geneva: ITU, 1978. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1978 | Telecommunication and Development. Geneva: ITU, 1978. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1978 | "CCIR Honours Contributions at 50th Anniversary Celebrations." Telecommunication Journal 45, no. 12 (1978): 629-631. | Article | EN
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1979 | Kirby, Richard C., Miya, Kenichi, and Mao, Y.Y. CCIR 50th Anniversary: 1929-1979. Geneva: ITU, 1979.
| Booklet | EN
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1979 | Panaftel : the Pan-Africa telecommunication network. Geneva: ITU, 1979. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1979 | What is ITU? Geneva: ITU, 1979. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1980 | 1979 ITU technical co-operation. Geneva: ITU, 1980. | Booklet | EN
 | FR
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1982 | Negro, F. Molina and J.-M. Novillo-Fertrell y Paredes. "The International Telecommunication Convention from Madrid (1932) to Nairobi (1982): Half a Century in the Life of the Union. Telecommunication Journal 49, no. 12 (1982): 814-818. | Article | EN
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1984 | Independent Commission for World Wide Telecommunications Development. Executive Summary: The Missing Link. Geneva: ITU, 1984. | Report | EN
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1984 | Independent Commission for World Wide Telecommunications Development. The Missing Link. Geneva: ITU, 1984.
| Report | EN
 | FR
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1985 | "The Missing Link: Report of the Independent Commission for World Wide Telecommunications Development." Telecommunication Journal 52, no. 2 (1985): 67-71. | Article | EN
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1988 | Kniestedt, J. "The first 20 years in the development of the International Telegraph Union: Review on the International Telegraph Conference in Berlin, 1885." Telecommunication Journal 55, no. 9 (1988): 610-614. | Article | EN
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1991 | Tomorrow's ITU: The Challenges of Change. Geneva: ITU, 1991. | Report | EN
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1994 | Tarjanne, Pekka. “The Missing Link: Still Missing? The Continuing Role of ITU in Telecommunications Development.” Speech delivered at the 16th Annual Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 16, 1994.
| Speech | EN
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2005 | Kelly, Tim. "Twenty Years of Measuring the Missing Link." In Maitland+20: Fixing the Missing Link, edited by Gerald Milward-Oliver, 23-33. Bradford on Avon: Anima Centre Limited, 2005.
| Article | EN
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2006 | "Standardization: Driving Global Communications." Commemorative edition, ITU News, no. 6 (2006). | Journal Issue | EN
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2006 | "Centenary of the International Radio Regulations." Commemorative edition, ITU News, no. 3 (2006).
| Journal Issue | EN
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2006 | CCITT - ITU-T : 50 Years of Excellence: 1956-2006. Geneva: ITU, 2006. | Booklet | EN
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2006 | Timofeev, Valery. "From Radiotelegraphy to Worldwide Wireless: How ITU Processes and Regulations Have Helped Shape the Modern World of Radiocommunications." ITU News, no. 3 (2006): 5-9. | Article | EN
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2006 | Jones, Robert. "The Global Framework for Radiocommunications." ITU News, no. 3 (2006): 29-31. | Article | EN
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2010 | "Remembering Donald Maitland: The Missing Link Report: The Maitland Legacy. ITU News, no. 7 (2010): 62-63.
| Article | EN
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2012 | "ITU Telecom World Timeline: Making Global Connections." ITU News, no. 8 (2012): 21-201. | Article | EN
 | FR
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 | AR
 | ZH
 | RU
2014 | Overview of ITU's History | Article | EN
 | FR
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 | AR
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 | RU
2015 | "Paris, 1865: The Birth of the Union." Geneva, ITU, 2015. | Book | EN
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 | ZH
 | RU
2017 | ITU-D: 1992-2017: Celebrating 25 Years of Achievements. Geneva: ITU, 2017. | Booklet | EN
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